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A Race Out West - The Journey of Jair's COTH Cap!

'cuz I’m the cutest darn bith you know

All I can say is that if you get yours before Merry and Beezer, they may cross the border and take it right off your head.

Wyahhhhhhhhh! I still don’t have my cap, no Fedex delivery, no nada. I even have a sticker on my front door giving Fedex immunity from prosecution should they leave something on my doorstep with benefit of signature.

Wyaaahhhhh! ETBW loves Jair more!

Merry, Beezer - is there something you want to confess? Did you fly into Toronto last night and swipe my cap and fly back to L.A. on the red-eye?

Just to rub it in a little bit more. I’m taking my bootiful Coth cap on another horseride tonight afterwork. AFter that I must quench my thirst at the local watering hole down the way from the stables.

On such a wonderful sunny day here in Rochester, that awesome hat will keep the bright sun at bay.

We want to see

Blame it on the postal service

What was that musical that had the song “The Wells Fargo wagon is a comin’ down the street, Oh please let it be for me” ?

I am quite certian that you westies’ caps will arrive soon. (Says ETBW happily checking her capped visage in the mirror for the jaunty tilt of the brim)

[This message was edited by Everythingbutwings on May. 14, 2001 at 12:15 PM.]

Will you mary me, DMK?

Never mind the Californians… what about the poor Georgians?

You know, Georgia, the state between SC and FL, and only 2 states (635 miles) between it and Middleburg… As opposed to next to the Caucusus?

Although apparently that is where mine must be headed to!

Wrong, Jair, Louise got her cap yesterday!

I’d be worried about leaving that cap on that porch, if I were you. We hear about the terrible crime problem you have up there in Canada. Why, we heard there was a jaywalking incident in Vancouver just yesterday!

I’m obviously going to have to mug Portia for hers


My COTH cap was happily waiting for me when I got home from work yesterday! I, of course, wore it non stop for the entire evening and christened it while playing beach volleyball! Its a real westcoast cap now

Thank you Wings!!!

Totally bizarre Tosca! We could very well have passed eachother, like ships in the night Kits is a great neighhorhood - I could never live anywhere else!

~Prince Jair, owned by Lovely Alice

ETBW - better run and hide before the mob makes it to Virginia

Jair and DMK posting on a thread
First come barbs
Then comes the trap
And here comes DMK with Jair’s new cap

Jair - I believe you will get it first. Technically you already have it since they tried to deliver to you. Whereas the Californians havent even gotten to that point yet.

[This message was edited by FIRSTCRY on May. 10, 2001 at 02:35 PM.]

Hey Jair…are you going to drive home on your lunch hour to see if its there yet?

Good luck, go Jair, go Jair, go Jair.

P.S. We expect pictoral proof to posted here with time and date stamp attached (he he folks, yet another trick to get handsome Jair’s picture on the 'net).

is Billie Ray Martin’s “I’ve Never Been To Memphis.” We sang that and played it last week when we drove to Nashville and passed through Memphis on I-40.

For some reason, I totally forgot to purchase my cap at Rolex. They are really sharp, though. Portia had hers on, which is how I recognized her!


if my cap is not at my home when I arrive then I have two options

a) drive to Portia’s barn and steal hers from her head

b) hop in truck and drive to COTH headquarters to demand my cap

what to do - what to do

The California Clique continues COTH capless. It’s a conspiracy. We know it is.

If DMK gets Jair’s cap, I get Inverness’ and Merry gets Heidi’s.

Works for me.

Who cares about the friggin’ Californians! I, a loyal Texas clique member, have yet to receive my hat… I demand a recount! Oh, wait, no, wrong situation. Ummmmmmm. A tracking number. Yes. I want a tracking number!