A Race Out West - The Journey of Jair's COTH Cap!

DOH! that was me Portia - I was hurrying home to get my cap and wan’t paying attention to the streets!

So Louise got hers eh? Sorry DMK

Yes - Jair will try to get a photo of him in his cap asap. No guarantees though Maz!

That’s right Heidikins, ETWB loves me better

Where have you been lately RobbyJ?

We’ve missed you!

The entire capless California Clique is, even as we “speak,” planning a march on Virginia.

Brace yourself. It could get ugly.

Sorry about that Beezer. I got mine on Saturday. Wore it yesterday. Still deciding about the screen name monogram thing.

oooooh, an Engagement Hat?! Oh Jair, yesyesyes!!! Now give me my hat!

Thank you Firstcry, that’s the way I see it too!

Na na na na NA na! I got mine first

Poor DMK and LOUISE, still capless in Atlanta and Rochester. How sad. NOT!

Yeah, hurray! Wingsy loves me most - Mr. Fedex just delivered my hat!

Hehehehe. Hope you don’t get sustain a capless sunburn in California, ye Merry and Beezer.

We have?

I’m ready Beezer…lead the way!!!

I can’t believe you Californians still have no caps.

DMK - did you get yours yet??

I would seriously write a scathing note to the Post Office. This is ridiculous.

On the plus side, I will be wearing my COTH cap for our NY get together at Patterson Stables show on 5/27.

ETBW, the Wells Fargo wagon song is from The Music Man…the only reason I remember that is because we had to do that play in 5th grade! Do I get a hat for answering that correctly???

Where is it??? I WANT MY HAT!!!