I’m not even an OTTB person but…
I can’t imagine letting this one incident taint your opinion on OTTBs and the people who re-home them as a whole. So much good comes out of rehoming these horses. Sure it won’t work every time. Sure not every person doing the rehoming is going to make the right decision every time. Some might even gasp unload an unsuitable horse on some unsuspecting newbie. Heck, some of those unsuspecting newbies put themselves in the position of being over-horsed by misrepresenting themselves (not saying that is the case here, just saying it happens). It happens, with every breed and every discipline.
As a die-hard Walking Horse gal myself, I say don’t let this one instance diminish your opinion of all the OTTB re-homers because really all that does is trivialize all the good experiences so many, many people have had taking on one of these horses.
The right horse is the right horse, and the wrong horse is the wrong horse. OP has in all likelihood found the wrong horse and that’s about all it boils down to. Did the person who sent her the horse play a big role in it? Yeah, I’ll bet he/she did. At the end of the day OP chose to take the horse and now OP has to make some hard decisions to make even if the person who sent her the horse did wrong. I don’t think that’s a reflection on people who re-home OTTBs as a whole though. Too many success stories out there for that to be the case.[/QUOTE]
I have no problem whatsoever with TBs Off the Track or not. Nor with “re-homing” them. (I have ridden many TBs)
THIS PARTICULAR horse should have never been allowed to be “adopted” as anyone’s FIRST horse and I find it very disappointing that the people in charge allowed this “adoption” to happen.
It gives the horse no chance and will get people hurt. Bad publicity for the horses and for the “re-homers” and a very bad first horse experience for some poor person, when every effort should be made to make having your first horse a GOOD experience.