For years my attorney was my FB and also my walker when I was either between men or didn’t want to bring a boyfriend. Then he got married, which was unfortunate, then she left him, which I will not share an opinion about because it would be rude, but I didn’t want to make him the FB again because his son lives with him. And I don’t do single dads with custody, it’s just so not fair to the child (and not good for my mental health at all).
Biggest age gap: I was 21, he was 37.
Best Naked Encounter With Police: when I lived in England I was coming home (yes, at lunchtime the next day) from a date with this guy I had just started seeing (Heidi, see email for sordidness). I could not find some of my garments … well none actually, so I was wearing a pj shirt and nothing else. I’m driving from Finchley to Putney in London, get pulled over in Hyde Park Corner. HelLO, there are NO lines on the road there in lots of places, so I am clueless as to how many lanes there are, which is apparently why I got pulled over. After a while the cop suggests I get out of the car (I am sure he thought I was plastered). I said “I can’t,” he said “Why not,” I said “Because I am not wearing anything.” He says “Madam, you are in a short dress,” I said “I am a MISS, not a madam, and this is a pajama shirt and I am NAKED under this!” Then he says “You’re and AMERICAN, aren’t you?”
Well, duh, helLO like that wasn’t obvious!
Of course he let me go.
Do you know, I can’t even remember if I’ve ever told my mother this story.