On Christmas eve, I had to break up a dog fight between two of my dogs - a 70lb Alaskan Husky and a 120lb boxer/hound mix. It was sudden, bad, and I ended up with a dislocated finger, a sprained finger, and a dog bite.
Neither dog is aggressive towards people - they’re both marshmallows and they’ve only tussled one other time, shortly after we brought the husky home, over 9 months ago.
I have no idea why this started. No food or attention was involved. I barely managed to stop the fight, and was only able to get the dogs apart because my dad was here. Mr. eponacelt was at work.
The hound is 12. He’s snapped on other dogs of ours in the past, but always with a discernable reason. We’ve had him since he was 4 weeks old.
The husky is very sweet and this seems so out co character for him. He was given to me by a friend, and he could easily go back to her, as sad as that would make me. He and I have bonded incredibly and I adore him.
My husband is adamant that this situation can be managed. I’m less certain. I’m here alone a lot and I’m now terrified of letting the two of them near each other ever again. He’s furious that I’m even considering sending the husky back, even though he’d be going to his breeder who loves him.
Am I the asshole? Are there other options here? I’m fairly traumatized and hurting.