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Alice Made Me Do It! - A tack shopping story

Well, I have all of YOU to thank for my horse’s expensive taste!

So considering the deluge of rain we received up here over the weekend, I took the time to make my excursion out to the fabulous new tack store Bumpkin and Farfel kept telling me about.

Boy where they right!

My goal was to find a jacket and some breeches, so I purposefully donned my favourite blue show shirt and headed out. Despite trying to keep my journey a secret, Alice seemed to know what was happening from a far.

There I was trying on jackets, having selected a nice dark green one, when suddenly I heard this cultured, feminine Isabella Rosellina type voice in my ear saying “no, no, not that one” says Alice. So I try another one, this time a nice blue herringbone Grand Prix jacket, quite nice really (hmmmmm goes Alice), so then the sales lady hands me this very nice dark navy blue one and ta-da! It fits like a dream (“Ahhhhhh that is the one” breathes Alice) and sure enough, I look at the tag and it’s a Pytchely!!! Lovely lovely jacket. Dark blue, fitted, looks great with my shirt and a spare tie I had brought… Sold!

Next were the breeches - modeled the greenish beige TS’s (the other ladies in the store seemed to be enjoying helping me with this part ) and they were very comfy, also found a beige pair of Pikeurs which I liked even better. So a pair of each (no sound from Alice)

I wandered around a bit and checked out the boots, which is something else I need. Saw a lovely pair of Effinghams (“Very nice” according to Alice). But then I made the mistake of picking up a pair of Dehner field boots, “Ahhhhhhhhhh” goes Jair, “OOOOOOOOOOoooohhhh!!!” breathes Alice. “ARRRGHHHHHGGGG” says Jair as he sees the price tag.!!! Down goes the beautiful field boots as Alice twists her nose into a moue of disappointment over his shoulder.

All’s quiet as I start to settle the bill with the saleslady, trying to remember which credit card I didn’t use to expense my business trip last week, when all of a sudden Alice gives an undignified squeak of excitement in my ear and disappears. For behind me He Who Bought Alice has entered the store!

After perusing the local Golf Pro shops my s/o returned to pick me up. While I finish with the saleslady, he wanders around the store idly looking at things, when suddenly from the bridle section, he speaks up “Alice doesn’t have a show bridle yet, does she?” uhmm no I say, strongly suspecting he is suddenly hearing Alice’s sultry tones in his ear. She’s a sly one that girl. But before even Alice could say another word, the saleslady deaks out from behind the counter and glides up to He Who Bought Alice’s shoulder, knowing a good target when she sees one, and begins firing questions at him about Alice, in the most skillful of ways so as to ensure he realizes just what a special and deserving girl she is! As the lady brings down some bridles for our inspection, I can hear Alice starting to breath more heavily, particularly when the lovely Edgewood ones come off their hooks, but then her squeaks reach almost obscene proportions as the most glorious of Hadfields bridles is shown to us, with the magic words directed at my partner of the likes that “a special mare like Alice deserves only the best” “yes yes yes!” shrieks Alice, followed by “Buy Buy Buy!” well, ok, maybe that was me, but good lord!! Was it ever a beautiful bridle! DMK and Duffy weren’t kidding when they said they were superb! It’s a lovely rich havanna colour in the raised, padded fancy stitched variety.

Before He Who Bought Alice (HWBA) can even blink a matching pair of reins is added, followed quickly by “Oh, did you say she was doing hunters?” from the saleslady - “she’ll need a martingale then”. No actually, I say, I don’t think so (“Yes I do”, says Alice) “Yes she does” says HWBA (who probably doesn’t even know what one is but such is the stength of Alice’s persuasion) Plunk goes the matching martingale as it goes onto the counter with the rest. Alice is positively squealing in excitement by now, as her benefactor pulls out his plastic with the saleslady practically ripping it out of his hand lest he change his mind. Jair meanwhile shuffles off to another part of the store trying really hard not to hear what the damage is as its rung up on the cash register. Alice however is ecstatic

So there you have it!

Jair will now be attending the show grounds in his navy blue Pytchely jacket, medium blue dress shirt with just-for-Becca Ralph Lauren tie, a pair of greenish beige TS’s and a Hadfields bridle wearing horse!! Duffy will be proud!

High Ho hunters away!!!

[This message was edited by Jair on Mar. 19, 2001 at 03:36 PM.]

Yep, it can be a Spoiled Six Year Old Jumpers Clique – so long as the geldings know they have to listen to the girls!

Jair, you are mean to me. I am not whispering bad things to Bambi. I am being nice to him. I maybe am telling him he has funny name for a boy but I am German und it is maybe OK in North America for a boy to have girl’s name?

Bambi is happy I am here because less work for him, ja? He tells me he is not jealous that you und He Who Bought You For Me give me pretty new things. He is boy und does not care about how it is you look when you ride him. It is only food he is caring for. He is wanting you to give me more things. I am fraulein und I need more, ja?

This was about the funniest thread ever…who is “Lovely Alice”…I know you laughed as hard as I did Jair. OMER…it was worth posting to move it up for other to read again. Baaaahahhhhahahahahahah.

Was ist dieses “cubic zirconium”?

I am hurt. I did not say the rubies und diamonds I must haf. Only I am saying I would look more beautiful in them.

Jair is not answering though I am already telling him I haf looked at brow bands. I tell him I like der one with Garnet stone, or der one with Topaz stone. There are others being much more expense, but I did not ask for them. I say before, I am not demand. I am saying only truth.

Lovely Alice, you have much to learn about the ways of the North Americanized Hannovarian.

I call her Mommy cause she’s then less inclined to get mad at me when I flood the barn or escape from my stall. I see you are in need of my counsel. Yes, I shall come to your slumber party Lovely Alice. In the meantime, repeat after me: “Daddy Jair, I really didn’t mean to destroy the seventh blanket you’ve bought me this week”.

Mommy Maz, what’d you buy me for my birthday???

Hey Bambi, just make sure you’re out of striking range when calling her a big footed brown mare. After all she’s dumped Daddy in the mud, who knows what she’s capable of.

L’Arch de Triomphe…work of genius.

Had you purchased the field boots!!!

Anecdotal: Dehner field boots are beautiful, but a barn buddy bought a brand new custom pair in 1998, and with minimal show wear had some significant popped stitches/breakdown and then had significant customer service issues getting them repaired. Food for thought. If you’re going to buy new boots of that sort, consider all of the options.

RJ (who agrees that Alice does NOT need a standing martingale to do the hunters)

You need to get your horses out more and keep them occupied safely away from the electronic equipment.

Wings, Maddie and Pockets are now hoping for a T1 line installed at the new barn!

If Becca got to pick the tie…I get to pick a belt…Gucci or Coach all the way.

You are one lucky guy! Thank goodness you have a horse with such a fab sense of style and someone willing to melt the plastic and burn the credit history reports for you.

I am convinced that this BB is just one big corporate tack manufacturing conspiracy designed for the sole purpose of making us covet!! My pony is getting better and better dressed by the day and it’s everybody’s fault but mine!

to listen to the girls by the time he’s 6, he’s definitely in trouble…


I can’t stop laughing…

Hi Jair,
It is a good thing you don’t ride western! $10,000.00 silver encased saddles and $500.00 silver dripping bridles. Don’t forget the $500.00 silver encrusted bits and the $500.00 breastcollars. How about a saddle blanket in your colors for $350.00. Don’t forget that fashion colors changes about twice a year with the changes of the seasons!

Good thing I am a pleasure trail rider, I love to shop!

Do not listen to her Jair, mon ami!

That is not what she ees saying vhen we are alone at night is zee barn.

Mademoiselle Alice will rooo-in your credit rating if she ees allowed to haf her way.

Est-ce qu’ en outre, je n’etais pas votre premier cheval? Je devrais toujours venir d’abord, bien?

Please don’t forget about me

Jair You are too funny on all threads!!!He Who Bought Alice!!(HWBA)too much,it amazes me that all of you guys don’t write for some sort of situation comedy .But definitely not ON T-heads no humor there!!!

Gijon, you are not worthy of the Lovely Alice. She is the Grace to my Will - the cultural reference will be lost on you who is new to the North American ways.

You get sauerkraut sweet feed, nein? Lovely Alice will smell you coming a mile away. She is of delicate sensibilities and will be repelled by you.

I am angry now and will take it out on Mommy’s trailer. But again, ja, Mutter, will forgive me cause as she tells me, I am das chestnut man!

Gijon, willkommen nach Amerika. Ist wery strange place, but ist gut ven you are used to it. I vill not call you Joe. Is too Amerikan for proper Hannoveraner.

You too are being a gelding, ja? Too bad. All Hannoveraner I meet in Amerika are gelding. But ve can be friends still, ja.

Do not be paying attention to Bambi. Sie kennen die Franzosen. They are after all eating snails und such.

Ja, ve can be friends, und also mit PK und Robbie und others. But they must all be knowing that der German horses know how to keep our people correct, ja?

Oh Robby, Alice has the soul of a hunter princess… she knows that it’s not about the martingale, it’s about The Look

I’ll put my vote in for dehners though… excellent craftmanship, mine are holding up just fine and they were a few bucks less expensive than vogels…