Alice Made Me Do It! - A tack shopping story

Arch Man, you too are Hannoveraner, ja? I should then like to be meeting you.

You could not give me fohlen, und this is a problem. Also explain please why a grown horse calls she who is owned by him “Mommy.” Most disturbing. Since you are gelding though I will not be minding and we will be friends, I think.

What would a regular psychologist make out of this? I bet they haven’t developed appropriate medication for this type of issue yet.

good points Robair mon ami!

Not bad for just e plain ole thoroughbred. I deed not realize zat you were so eentiligent - always thought you guys were veery scatterbrained.

Splat - binging is a necessary component of a healthy horse show lifestyle!

I was shocked that I made it out of winter with only a beval pad and a lovely new (brown) belt from Zest of the West… Of course last year I bought a scooter, ordered a new pair of chaps and 2 new custom shirts, and another lovely (black) belt from Zest, I suppose a little “pacing” was in order here

Arch Man! You haf nearly von mein heart mit your wonderful song. I am sending you big kiss. Ven ve meet you will sing me my song, ja? Maybe you teach it to Jair und haf him sing to me so I can hear what it is sounding like.

Proof Set, you are sounding wery young. You vill learn vas ist work. It is not too bad, und you will like der jumping. You vill get to dress up und all people will tell you how pretty you are und give you treats, und you vill be able to show off for the other horses.

Job well done, Jair! Tell me, did Alice get a breastplate with fuzzy fleece cover?

The key to good fashion, dear Jair, is accessories! Let’s see: gloves, polos, shiny silver stirrups and my personal favorite, a well made, tasteful but attention getting smooth handled black quality leather whip! Well not that Alice will ever need a whip but a small token of surprise should always be within reach. Cause hey, you never know!

You are hilarious! (That’s Jair, not you dear Alice ) Alice is impeccable.

LOL! You got it Moesha!

MAZ - so so true. Poor Bambi was going green in jealousy when Alice was modeling her new bridle the other night. Doesn’t help that he is stabled next to her either - I’m sure she whispers not-so-sweet-nothings in his ear at night too!

Problem is he doesn’t need anything at the moment. He already has 4 different pairs of boots dozens of polos and a gazillion saddle pads…

Glad Archie wasn’t left out though

Meine liebe Alice, liebe ich Sie sehr, aber stoppe bitte, mir zur t�glichen Arbeit zu folgen!!

Yes Farfel! It is to die for! Apparently I’m not supposed to oil it ever. Not that it looks like it will need any.

Oh sorry Tin! I need a new bathing suit this summer, want to come help me choose a new pair of speedos?

Alice dear - of course you may have anything you want, just remember to always look as impressive as possible whenever a) at a showground and b) whenever there are DQ’s about!!!

(Too funny Regal! I must say its bizarre being followed by my horse!!! )

Watch it Jair…or it’ll be a back rail as a necktie for you. I’d invest quickly to repair the damage you may have just caused.

Both my horses are following me to work now!

Its bad enough I slave away to pay for them but now they are making demands and fighting over me!!!

I love you both so there!!!

and Archie may come over any time to stay… especially during show season

Hannoverian shmannoverian

What ees zis fascionation with le chevaux de Germany?

Les selles francais are sooooooo much more lighter and faster, ne c’est pas? I will always a-beat those dumbloods in zee jump off.

Jair knows that too, I haf von him many ribbons at le shows in zee big classes. He ees more suited to me anyhow.

Not le bigfoot brown mare.

Amazing the things you learn, isn’t it Bambi…

For instance I always thought you guys were upscale cart horses

PS - I was a nice horse until that wench DMK got me.

OHHHH Jair I thought those Hadfields were quite lovely hanging there.
Alas, all poor Elliot got from Maplesprings, was a large soft horsehair brush, haha.
I am so glad you went, what a great way to spend a positively wicked rainy weekend.

What about the Calibre saddles? What did Alice think of those?

All my humans watch and neigh loudly! They come running but don’t seem pleased that I can jump so high over the funny white tapes in my way.

Then they stroke me all over and give me many, many treats! My Aunt Pat has the best treats, she brings me cored and sliced apples. My other human mother (the one that comes every day) acts unhappy and then she gets fussy and only lets me have the cookies she bought for everyone! .

My human toy man bought me a new halter but it is very, very big and I am annoyed with him. It is NOT what I wanted! I have a turn out sheet but it isn’t a Rambo and even my Hanovarian step-cousin’s companion pony has one of those!

Jair - thanks for the laugh!!! I’m afraid we all have mini-Alice’s sitting on our shoulders waiting to go tack shopping!
Love the fact that s/o is willing to shop and shows such good taste. My hubby I’m afraid means well, but I’d probably end up with a lovely western saddlepad for my GP jumper instead!!!

How am I to phrase “He who was sucked into paying stud fee for non rideable mare to produce the beauteous Miss Maddie?” Rephrase imminent!

Okay, Replace Mr. Wings with “MWLDWF” (that’s man who lay down with foal) Something is missing here!

I think we shall stick with the name he responds so nicely to Mr. Wings, and I shall continue to shred the first (detailed)page of the VISA statement and explain on the “amount due” page that “it was for MADDIE, not ME!”

If it is for Maddie, then it must be purchased. ETBW is not getting chaps from Journeyman. Not in the cards. Not in this century and it is early. Doomed.

You ROCK, Alice!

just from listening to that story! Do you like the Hadfield boots? I know everyone wears those black and white Eskadron (spelling’s wrong, i know) but i’m a sucker for those leather open fronts…bought some at Running fox at the Royal 2 years ago, what a sucker i am! Must have been the spririt of Alice…

BTW, why not make that a clique for “Spoiled 6 year old Jumpers of any Sex?” Then i could join…