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Am I a bad person?

It looks like you have made up your mind about enucleation. Sounds like it might be the best option. However, there is one more option that does not require around the clock care. It is called AlloOcular and its made by Anicell Biotech. They have a membrane or drops that can be placed in the eye and the ulcer typically heals fairly quickly. There are a few case studies on their site for eyes. Its fairly new to horses, but not to humans. Just wanted to share one more potential option!

Thank you everyone for taking the time to respond. I spoke with my vet and she reexamined the eye and believed it to now have a fungal infection. She told me that they could throw everything they have at it but that in the end they’ve been able to save very few. So she agreed that due the state of the eye and the lack of time to be super aggressive with it the best option at this point is enucleation.[/QUOTE]

Yeah the numbers I found online with a fungal infection was about 50% recover vision, and of the 50% that don’t, about 50% of those lose the eye. The opthamologist agreed that those numbers sounded about right.

Hope the surgery is uneventful and easy!

Update: just wanted to let everyone know that we did go ahead and remove the eye and the surgery went great! She seems to feel a lot better now. Thanks so much for all of your input!