I looked into the trainer certification requirements. I was coaching/training part time and not showing because my horse was always hurt. This gave me a way to be involved, and I had enough people asking me for help to make it worthwhile for a time. Because I was not coaching full time, I was not eligible to do this program. Seemed odd. The USHJA’s reasoning? “f the applicant only teaches on a part-time basis, he/she may not be familiar with the most current industry standards. Certified trainers must have had exposure to what goes into all facets of being a professional horseman.” Umm ok.
Now it looks like they are going to replace it with an “instructor credential” program. You only need to submit proof of teaching at least 40 lessons. I’m not really sure how you prove that? It’s also not inexpensive and requires a background check. What is laughable is that trainers certified under the old program must now do this program, and they get only 50% off.
Doesn’t matter to me currently since I’m sitting out to get my amateur status back, but this credentialing system is a joke, really.