Title pretty much explains it. I have a lovely little hunter type 6yo OTTB. His mindset however is not as ammy friendly as I hoped. Hes had some dirty stops on me, both my fault and his. He figures once he stops, he can keep doing it. Hes pulled the trick with my trainer a couple times as well. But I will say he has been getting better. When I add in lines, we’re good to go. But that defeats the point, espeically in the hunters.
As an example, last weekend in my lesson, I have been working on releasing and following my horses rhythm. When I trot into a gymnastics no issues and we get the striding and doing it decently enough. Now this go around we added a one stride to a one stride. X-rail - Oxer- vertical. So the distance to the xrail was a big long and suprised me so I popped him in the mouth and I thought he was going to the oxer but stopped last minute and I ended up his neck. So we go back and I have to ride the dickens out of him to get him through. Oh yes, that would include 2 strides in both 1 stides. I do get him over, but then after that I dont release enough and allow enough, as I am bracing for the stop. I am old, I dont bounce as well, so would rather not fall I have a really big problem of trusting his larger more forward step due to the stops and in turn I have a tighter hold on the reins, grip with legs and toss myself (all counter productive to what I should be doing, problem is its so subconcious I dont even know I do it).
So how, as an ammy, do you address this issue? The easy way is to sell/lease him to someone else. But I have had this issue before and went that route, which obvious has come back to haunt me. So I would really like to try and address this issue. Any thoughts, helpful what ifs etc.