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An absent BB'er checks in, bring curb chain and thank Sister Louise and Sister Heidi

You are so brave and strong, and Bud is so fabulous for taking care of you. I know that more than anything in my world, Mickey is my inspiration and my joy, and I see that your husband and Bud are your passions, too. Horses are amzaing creatures (as are husbands sometimes), and you are very lucky to have them taking care of you.

Lots of curb jingling for you - I think you look great in the saddle with your rocket pack on, but I will jingle my curb so that you can heal and do without it!

“It’s amazing how there’s no time to do it right the first time but always time to do it over again.”

So sorry to hear of your experience. I must say that you truly are an inspiration to all of us and your courage, innovation and determination are to be commended.

It is obvious that you obtained professional help in an orderly fashion and this is something we may all need to be reminded of from time to time.
I was wondering how your stomach problem presented itself? I do not mean to pry into personal business (please forgive me if it appears that way) but by learning more about your early detection, it may help save someone else who may have vague symptoms. I thank you for your revelation and feel the more we learn from friends like you, the better equipped we are to seek help and survive important treatment in a positive manner.

I pray for a bright future for you with no recurring cancer. You are a very brave soul and your experience is a wake up call to many others in terms of listening to our bodies. May all your hard work bring you positive energy and long life.

Thank you for your inspiration and may your best rides ever occur in days to come.

Cactuskate- I don’t know you, but I wish I did! Can I join your fan club too?

~Erin B #1
Step One: Boot up brain.


I’ve been thinking about you as well! I hope all is OK!

I will jangle and Pray for you this evening.
Dublin was worried about you and mentioned it to me this morning.
Please keep in touch.

Hugs from a fellow Northwesterner

“Have You Hugged Your Trainer Today?”

love the rocket pack!

some people dance in the rain, others just get wet. you gotta love a good dance


Wow, Cactuskate. Thank you for sharing your strength, attitude, grace and warmth. Hopefully, we can give back to you a small piece of what you’ve shared with us. Big {{{{{{{{{Hugs}}}}}}}}}} to you, your wonderful husband, and saintly Bud.

My sister, who had brain cancer, had THE cutest hats imaginable! She had one wig, which she rarely wore. She was an incredible human being and I miss her dreadfully.

My father and stepmother have both had mastectomies and they are both doing very well. My stepmother’s was quite recently, so she’ll be starting chemo here shortly.

I HATE HATE HATE cancer. But, I have to say, that the people who I’ve known well who have had it have been so incredibly strong. Thank you for adding to their inspiration and for that “kick in the pants” re living today to the fullest.

Take care and keep up updated as you can.

I am so sorry! But I am glad to hear you are in good spirits and Bud is helping you through. I noticed you were strangely absent but thought maybe we were just boring you too much, here!

You will be glad to hear that Grace won 3 classes at an “A” show last week! They love her!

Please keep us updated and let us know what we can do for you!

Hugs and Kisses,

I’m so sorry to hear of your troubles CactusKate but happy that you are feeling well. My prayers are with you.


BEQS clique
Resident racing historian
The early bird may get the worm but the second mouse gets the cheese.

bumping this back up for anyone who may not have seen it previously

So sad

Forgive me all, but I’m giving this a bump. I guess I just want to see her name at the top of the page…


Duffy, the first thing I did yesterday after reading the news was a search to make sure Reginapony had been posting recently. When I saw several from her on the eventing board, I knew things were OK on that front.

(We need a “smiling through the tears” emoticon.)

Oh CactusKate… You’re doing so wonderfully, it seems! God be with you and yours and continue to give you strength and love.

Your on-line friends and family are here for you, too, don’t forget that.

Cactuskate, I love that picture!

What an inspiration you are to us all.

Cactuskate, thank you for sharing with us. You are REMARKABLE. Unbelievable.

May I have half the courage in my thankfully healthy life that you are showing in your currently challenging life! You are WONDERFUL! I will add you to my “to pray for” list.

To Cactuskate, LordHelpUs and ReginaPony, you each are an inspiration to me. I will pray for each of your recovered health. My God bless you and know that you are in my prayers.

{{{{{{{{{A Huge Texas Hug}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

Get Well Soon!

Member Of The Texas Clique & BEQS

I pale beside you due to your wonderness, your strength, your bravery. We are all the better because of it.

You are an insperation.

Keep on keeping on.

She will always be in our hearts. I think we need to bump this regularly and read Kathy’s posts as a reminder to how courageous the human spirit can be.