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An absent BB'er checks in, bring curb chain and thank Sister Louise and Sister Heidi

Equimom, what a wonderful poem and tribute!

Cactus, I am so sorry for what you have been going through but am inspired by your strength (also Pam’s). Isn’t wonderful that our horses know when we really need them and they come through. My thoughts will be with you in the coming days.

You are truly an inspiration and a great teacher on how to live life!!!

May this illness be a minor bump in your road and may you recovery be speedy and as said before uneventful!!

CK you are a trooper and I know you will beat this!!!



I am new to the BB this year, but I want to say that I hope you keep kicking butt! You are an inspiration!

  • Sarah

[This message was edited by rockstarr on Feb. 06, 2002 at 04:09 PM.]

Fantastic picture! You and Bud look lovely, even with the rocket gear.


Thank you so much for your extraordinary letter. In the past several years many of my close friends and family have been diagnosed with cancer. While it’s tempting to be angry and depressed, these people have taught me so much with their willingness to share their amazing strength with the people around them. I’m grateful and humbled to be in contact with people like you, with your marvelous strength and generosity of spirit.

Bug WHitey and I will be thinking of you

your grace and strength in dealing with this is awesome. let me add my prayers for your complete and swift recovery.

So sorry to hear about that!!

My mom is also going through chemo, so we feel for ya.

Keep your chin up,

bump, I think we need to keep this near the top of the list for a while. I’ve lost count on how many time’s I’ve reread this thread over and over

“If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again. Then give up. No use being a damned fool about it” -W.C. Fields

Oh Kate - I’m so sorry to hear about what you have been going through. I can only echo what the others have said - you are a strong woman, and it sounds like you are getting through this just with all the courage and flair that we have seen you display on this BB.

You and Bud just keep right on going! Thank goodness for you wonderful husband and the support he is giving you.

Curb chains rattling and heartfelt prayers going up.


“We ride and never worry about the fall.
I guess that’s just the cowboy in us all.”
Tim McGraw

Cactuskate your story brought tears to my eyes. Your bravery and determination to get well and put this behind you is truly inspiring. Who needs hair anyways? You can shower and get to the barn that much faster this way.

Thanks for sharing your photo with us. Bud looks like a great guy. Virtual hug to you my girl. Stay strong.

Cactus: we don’t “know” each other but I read your post and you are one strong woman! Horses are the best therapy for whatever ails you. Your horse is gorgeous and he looks like he is proud to take care of you.

Keep a strong positive outlook, things will get better. I admire your strength and determination to “make it work” and to soak up every second of life. Your will to not give up will take you very very far. Believe me, it will. You are blessed to have a good husband too. All in all you have what most people can only dream of!\

God bless and keep us posted on your rides, etc!

I’m so sorry. I’m so so very sorry that this would happen. You are just one of the nicest people I’ve met in years, and I have so valued our friendship. You go girl, you kick this in the ass!

If love and prayers can make a person well, you will be sparkling very soon. We love you and we are all sending you every possible good wish.

Please give an extra special kiss to Bud as well. Bud sending good wishes to Chino helped Bullet, who is now much much better. Willem has, in that same vein, turned his nose up at cancer for you (photo attached).

hang in there, and let me know if you need anything. Like if you need help over a weekend or whatever. I’ll be on the next plane.

“I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning to sail my ship.” (Louisa May Alcott)

I will pray for smooth sailing ahead for you and yours.

but Wow! CacktusKate you are a true inspiration! It seems that phrase is often overused but it is certainly applicable in this case.

I thrilled to see that you are still enjoying your horse. That must be one of the greatest blessings – for both of you. I wish you many more happy, smiling riding days!!


I just haven’t been the same since that house fell on my sister.

I am so very sad to hear this news.

My deepest sympathies to CactusKate’s family and friends. I saw my brother in law battle this awful disease and know it’s ravages.

Resident racing historian
May the horse be with you -Harvey Pack May you be with the horse - My last trainer

Duffy…of course I will, most humbly, lend my words to Kate’s tribute. If they are deemed to be apropos by her husband, please do so.

My best wishes to you. Keep riding - it’s amazing what strength doing something you love, can give you. Do not give up! There are some interesting new cancer drugs coming down the pike.

You are so lucky to have your horse and a great husband during these trying times. You have all of us, too!



That was a beautiful letter from an obviously strong, beautiful person. I have to say that you really touched me and almost as importantly, you gave me a strong kick in the pants to tell me NOT to take any day for granted. In the big scheme of things, I shouldn’t have needed it, but I did. Many thanks, and may I have your courage and wit (I already have a Trail-et ).

Not only will I jingle a curb chain, but I will also wave around my authentic voodoo good luck charm. And I think canter and msj may be on to something about the hair!

*** Speak yer mind… But ride a fast horse… ***

you are my hero, I’m inspired by your strength

It is truly great to hear from you, keep up the great attitude and keep doing what you love!

<Post tie-back Surgery: 23 days until he can neigh and be turned out>