Andrew McConnon horse abuse

I donā€™t even understand (thankfully) how that could be done w/o the horse panicking and flipping over. What a horrific jerk he is.


Me neither. All I can think of is how horrifically injured one of my horses would have inevitably been if they were treated like thatā€¦


Itā€™s already been beaten into submission by then! awful!!!


Ah - yes, now it makes more sense!


Beyond the abuse, what horrifies me is that people in power knew about this and presumably because the information had not come out publicly they felt comfortable supporting this rider.

I, too, would have expected more of a response from Rebecca Farm. You have recourse as a donor, regardless of what the ā€œrulesā€ are. Because, ultimately, they still want those grants. So if Rebecca Farm said we need XYZ statement/action/whatever from USEA, the USEA should really do it and it is well within their rights to demand it.


:see_no_evil: :hear_no_evil: :speak_no_evil:


eh nothing to note there. They arenā€™t the governing body so really they have no action to take now unless they were going to do clawbacks on the grant itself.


It is much later today, but I cannot find news and notes on Eventing Nation, and a search on mcconnon brings up old articles and heā€™s at Burghley.

It sure isnā€™t headline news there.


It looks like the person who initially posted the photos and videos on FB (linked in the first post of the thread), said that ā€˜it was allegedly reported 5 months ago. And USEF and FEI has done nothingā€¦ā€™

Itā€™s not clear to me that there is much evidence at this point that USEF/FEI were definitely informed 5 months ago? Screenshots would make a big difference here. Itā€™s a clear case of abuse that needs to be addressed, but it would be significantly worse if there is proof that USEF/FEI have been sitting and not acting on this information. Right now it just sounds like hearsay though?


Thatā€™s fair. I will admit I am personally inclined to believe Allieā€™s post.

We will have to wait and see what happens next I guess.

ETA: it seems USEA has confirmed that the abuse was reported to USEF and FEI.


Was that at the 2021 Maryland 5*?

Yes, it was CR & CR


I checked out his website this morning (I live in Europe) to find out a bit more about his background.
Looks like his website has now been shut downā€¦



Sport Canada/COC are an effing piece of work. Itā€™s like their mission statement is to ruin athletesā€™ lives.

Example: the national womenā€™s foil fencing team - Fencing Canadaā€™s only international-quality team - for many years had a coach who was a total creep in all directions. Inappropriate behaviour going back ages.

The fencers finally had enough and put together an extremely detailed report on him and his equally horrible assistant. When they turned it in to the fencing NF, the response was: ā€˜We read your report. Everything is documented. But weā€™ve rehired Abusive Coach to coach you for the next four years.ā€™

The foil girls decamped to the other side of the country and took on a new coach on their own.

Then the athletes organization Global Athlete got involved. There were some hearings in parliament, more funding was promised to end abuse, etc.

But the point here is that the fencing NF knew all the allegations were true yet still rehired the Abusive Coach. Sadly, this is how sport orgs in Canada (and elsewhere) often treat their athletes when athletes bring concerns to the NF itself. You have to escalate.


I sent this email to Marshall and Lyall

Good afternoon. I was told you are a reporter interested in equine welfare. Reports and photos of an elite level three day event rider Andrew McConnon have surfaced on the Internet. He has been dropped by three of his sponsors in the last 48 hours since these reports and photos have come to light. His behavior has been reported to the United States Equestrian Foundation (USEF) at least two months ago, and the USEF has chosen to look away. The United States Eventing Association (USEA) has issued a milk toast statement saying they are looking into these accusations. There is photographic evidence of McConnon punching a horse in the face. There is another photograph of a horse whose head was tied between its front legs for two hours.

I refer you to this thread on the Chronicle of the Horse forums. The thread contains links to photographs of the abuse. Andrew McConnon horse abuse

My wish is that you do an investigative piece of this rider as the Times did on Charlotte duJardin.


pardon me!??? Not immediately suspended???


ETA ok they might not have power to suspend but still, do something, anything.


That is disappointing!!

This is all the USEA has to say on this??? Really??? :rage:


Please see response from this company:

Message them, message all their followers, they need to go down. I am a small business and I would never react this way. Animal welfare comes first! The horse needs a voice.