Andrew McConnon horse abuse

Oh, wow! That’s insane!!!


Chewy and SmartPak stock Crypto Aero…


Sent the link to Nancy Jaffer; she is working on an article.


WOW! :scream::rage:

What a nasty response, I wouldn’t buy anything from them if they were last company on earth! And the others? Beyond disappointing. :confounded:



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Perfecr Products Eq says they no longer sponsor him but are not making a statement, they should. The horse deserves a voice.


Not surprised.


thank you, I don’t understand how Charlotte Dujardin was all over the news right away and this is not going anywhere! And she had the decency to make a statement. This guy it looks like he just deleted his instagram and website, facebook is still up though?


Right. USEF has done its typical nothing regarding allegations of horse abuse and is passing the buck to FEI to do something. And people continue to give money to USEF for what reason? :roll_eyes:


The USEA FEI and whomever else would be the least of his problems if I saw my horse in a video like that


What is wrong with this response?
They say they do not like what is happening, they do not sponsor him and that they can not control who tags them.
That seems like a reasonable response.


OK, I hadn’t responded to anyone yet, but that inspired me to go look up their products…and use their contact form.

Subject: Your response to concerned people about Andrew McConnon beating horses

Body: Wow! I had never heard of your company’s products and have to say some of these look amazing! I have a barn of 6 horses, just a small, private barn. I know Andrew McConnon and took 4 lessons with him over a decade ago on visits to Southern Pines, when I stayed at Tanglewood Farm, where he was operating at the time. He did seem like a lovely young horse trainer.

I also know the people who had horses with him who were abused and traumatized by Andrew McConnon. Sponsoring a rider does get your company recognition, but when you post “and you’re black mailing a small business to stop feeding horses that you believe to be abused. Before even giving the man a chance to make a statement. Not even knowing when or who made this video…” as your response to blatant abuse, this is not a good look. I might have been inclined to try that mash, and my local Tri County Feeds stocks it, but I’ll stick with Purina RepliniMash.

I also have witnessed abusers first hand and have seen the social grooming they are so skilled at using with those authorities they need something from, and just recognize that as a sponsor, you’re in the power position, and you are the one being treated nice and groomed. Please reconsider how you respond to potential customer’s concerns about your sponsorship of animal abusers.


It is easier to put down a female/woman than a man. If you did not believe it before I hope you do now.


Charlotte was an Olympic medalist. She immediately acknowledged/admitted her inappropriate behavior and stepped down from the team and (IIRC) told the FEI to sanction her as she felt she deserved it.

Meanwhile, crickets from Andrew.

That’s the difference. Not the gender.


There are posts going around on FB now on the importance of not making this a witch hunt or burn him at the stake on social media. Which I 100% agree, vitriol of social media can wreck people’s mental health. However, I can’t help but feel all the UL riders who are chiming in to request kindness are only doing so cause they realize if the curtain was lifted on their programs too we would all see the emperor isn’t wearing clothes.


They definitely don’t live near each other. David is in The Plains in the summer and Ocala in the winter.


I don’t know about that.

I think there are MANY upper level riders who have a lot of fear about having one moment in time when working with a difficult horse captured on video, and the video being taken out of context, and the whole thing going viral on social media.

And… I can understand that fear. No one is perfect 100% of the time.

I can think of a handful of upper level people who are well known to be hard on horses and people, and are generally jerks. But I doubt the people I am thinking of are on social media talking about mental health. Nor do I think they are worried about their own misdeeds being exposed. They’re generally arrogant, and not inclined to admit any sort of imperfections.

Anyway… back to the first point about a bad moment in time getting videoed and going viral. That’s not what seems to have gone on with AM. His situation sure seems like a whole different matter. Abuse accusations spanning a decade. From more than one person. Videos. And horrible pictures of absolutely crazy welts from obvious inappropriate use of a whip.




Anyone know if that horse owned by PDF?

I saw a comment online that the horse with the head tied down is actually Eddie… one of his upper level horses. :disappointed_relieved:

ETA - apparently this is inaccurate

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