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Annual Christmas card exchange

Ah, who wouldn’t want a holiday message from a fluffy fjord? :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Maybe my boy Gus will make an appearance in my cards. They’ll go out in the mail tomorrow (Monday) so I think they’ll make it everywhere by Christmas.


My cards went out today. I’ve liked the ones I’ve gotten so far!

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The Christmas cards have been a delightful surprise every time I go to my mailbox. They’re sitting here on the tabletop next to me, like a herd of pretty horses. I read and appreciate all of them. What a nice way to spread some holiday spirit! Thank you everyone! :green_heart: :christmas_tree: :heart:


I have really enjoyed all of the cards, from the simple holiday messages to the detailed events of what went on in 2022 for that person or their farm! Honestly, my COTH cards stay on display so much longer than any of my Christmas stuff…

Thank you all!


This is happening this year?

I took part ages ago (possibly before Covid) and would like to do so again this year, albeit postage from New Zealand isn’t cheap.


I was just thinking about Christmas cards yesterday!!

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Me too! I’d love to do this again.

:heart: :christmas_tree:

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These are typically the only holiday cards I receive! Other than from my mom. :slight_smile:


So who normally organises this? I think we need to do it this year :slight_smile:

@Polydor organized it last year and I think a couple times before that. I remember she was really busy last year, but was a real trooper and got it organized nonetheless. It went very smoothly! Not sure if she wants to take it on again this year.

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Y’all are thinking way to far ahead for me ! LOL

I will get a new post up in the next week. Though in reality its the same email address and if you have the same address just let me know via email :smiley:

Life has greatly chilled out this year!



Always happy to participate, Polydor. No changes in my information.

i’m all over this. My email and my address is the same as last year. Let me know if I"m in!

My address and info is the same as last year, too. :+1:

I sent and email and would love to participate!

My info is the same as last year as well.