Personally I find the gnats (?) to be way more of a problem! I left the horses out until dusk one day last week and about had a panic attack with the number of bugs attacking my face as I was trying to get halters on. I was acting wild enough that horses were giving me that ‘uhh, something wrong with the food lady… we better behave…’ look they are all good boys anyway, I lead them in, all 3 at once.
He was waiting expectantly for the water (which I dumped) to be filled back up. He has a routine, which includes taking a big long drink from the pasture troughs as soon as I turn him out. You’d think I was withholding water or I worked him hard, but no. He’s got 15 gallons of clean, fresh water in the paddock I took him out of. Pasture trough water just tastes different