Another New Horse - It's Bo!

Gosh he looks good, what a handsome horse. Really wish he could talk and give us his life story.


Hey, there’s a bay in the background there! :joy:

Purely by accident that I ended up with 3 redheads, I swear.

He is doing quite well! Handling the ridiculous, extended heat wave just fine. Although he gave me a little worry today. He came to the gate for breakfast, ate while I rode Elmo, and then retreated to stand in the shade between his two favorite trees (not unusual). When I came back to bring the other two in, he did not come to the gate (unusual). I went out later to retrieve the hose near the pastures, and he still didn’t come over (very unusual). He stayed out under those trees snoozing all by himself until I came back out after lunch, to see if he was ready to come in (he was). Very unlike him. Usually he is pretty concerned with staying with the group, and does not like to be the last one left behind. I guess today he just wanted some alone time. :woman_shrugging:


'scuze me, don’t want boring senior grain today. Want hay stretcher pellets PLAIN and some of that fresh alfalfa you just brought home, please…

Bo continues to keep me on my toes. I have to rotate “interesting” toppings for his senior otherwise he gets bored quickly. We also rotate meals of soaked cubes and senior. And little 1/3 flakes of alfalfa when he asks for it.

This week’s flavor of the week is hay stretcher pellets. But he likes them too much (for now) and asks for them plain. :joy: :unamused:


Of course there is, plain to see…

Nurse, she’s off her meds again :rofl:


:laughing: I’m not saying I would be mad if he was red instead, but that fourth set of legs in the background belongs to this guy:


He is very red for a bay. The body blends right in.


You really do have some very nice looking horses!

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Thank you! I am pretty pleased with my collection of mistfits :laughing: One of these days, I’ll do a proper photo shoot with each one.

Bo intentionally dumping out his breakfast this Monday morning…


Ingrate! :rofl:


Hey, Cooper! Lookin’ good!


Last night I saw pictorial links to at least three “horsey” websites. The pictures were of bays; the captions read “Chestnut horse with black mane.”
Uh-huh. Yeah. :thinking: :roll_eyes: :rofl:


He really has no appreciation for how much $$$ and time I expend trying to feed him! He’s still obsessed with the hay stretcher pellets and was displeased to find it mixed with senior. He dumped the tub and then stalked off, I swear I could almost hear him grumbling under his breath.

Damn food lady putting stupid senior in with my precious hay stretcher, she ruined it. If I’ve told her once I’ve told her a thousand times but she just can’t get it right. Always trying to trick me into eating this “healthy” garbage. Get off my lawn! Where did those whippersnappers go? Damn kids. Nobody around here can do anything right. I need a nap.


User Bo: Food is hit-or-miss, and the service is not great. Would not recommend.



I told Bo I wouldn’t make him wear a bridle today and we’d just go for a nice walk. :innocent:

The weather was gloriously tolerable this morning (80s! woo!) and I managed to ride all THREE of the big boys, plus took little Fern through his first-ever day of me standing in the stirrup and laying over the saddle (he handled it like a pro). I will, of course, be getting him a saddle that fits properly before any real riding happens.


My only complaint about your video is that it’s too short! I was really enjoying watching him walk out and the tune!


:rofl: sorry! I am not super duper youtube savvy but I like the ‘shorts’ option because I can add fun music to it when I upload directly from my phone, I don’t have to download to my computer and edit it in music (or deal with the copyright issues). The downfall is the max time for shorts is 60 seconds.


My TB had a Bo streak.
When we boarded, they fed a 50/50 mix of steam-rolled & crimped oats.
I was there once at feeding time & to my astonishment, saw him - normally a Hoover - toss his bucket :open_mouth:
Feeder explained they’d neglected to wet the oats.
Good Help, so hard to find :smirk:

In your vid, that shinycopperpenny coat & syncopated walk :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Have camera, will travel! :smile: :camera: I haven’t done any shooting lately so I’m certainly out of practice, but I’m always willing to attempt pony photos.

I don’t know about you, but the weather the past few days has been making me super happy. Who knew upper 90s could feels so good!

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I thought about having you out, but they all look so raggedy right now! The extended heat has been really rough on their coats.

YES. I managed to ride everyone yesterday without feeling like I had to hurry up before we all melted, it was glorious. It was barely breaking 90 at 11am! It was only 68 when I put my kid on the bus this morning, I had to put a sweater on. I am about to suit up and go ride! Must take advantage of the good weather while it’s here!

How’re you doing?


The heat has been rough on everyone and everything, I think. At least we’re getting a little relief now!

I’m hanging in there, just got in from taking the pup for a walk before work and it is downright PLEASANT outside right now. I soaked it up as much as I could. Enjoy your ride time!!

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