He’s jealous. If he can’t have a nice forelock than no one can……
Oh Bo!
Oh, Bo! No no, Bo! You, and you alone, are The Wispy Wonder.
It wasn’t he. He’s being framed. A Shetland did it and ran away.
A very special Monday update:
Saturday, I finished building the walls that line the interior of the barn. Sunday, we cut and set mats, moved all the pipe stalls in, hung nets and buckets and bedded the stalls and shortly after dark I was able to officially put the horses IN THE BARN.
And now I can rest for a bit. I’ve already drawn up the plans for the permanent stalls, which I will build in the spring after my wallet has had some time to recover.
OMGGGGG!!! Gorgeous, and it must be such a relief to have them in a place you know is safe and dry.
It was rather nice to feed breakfast this morning without slogging through mud or getting rained on. And to have everything consolidated into one area.
Funny Bo story:
Last night we put them in the barn, and I gave Bo his usual tub of grain. Except… apparently that wasn’t what he wanted, because as soon as I walked away he grabbed the tub by the handle and shook it, flinging it EVERYWHERE. It was very intentional, and he repeated the process several times until it was all the way empty.
It was very toddler-tantrum-y. In case you’re wondering, what he really wanted was soaked cubes.
Baaad Bo!
Good Help, so hard to find… < I imagine he thought
I once saw my Hoover of a TB do the same at a place we boarded that fed a mix of rolled & crimped oats.
I was told they’d not watered his grain that time.
Oh, the HORROR!
When I got him home, if I was late (in his opinion) feeding, he’d SNATCH the flake of hay while giving me distinct Stinkeye.
Cuz, he was staaarrrvingg! Not!
CONGRATS on the barn!!! It looks great! I notice the forelock destroyer is being kept a distance from the others.
The barn looks great! How wonderful to have them under a roof and out of the weather.
Bo is upset he cannot reach Elmo’s forelock.
If he would quit changing his preferences, I wouldn’t keep screwing up his order If he wants cubes that’s fine - great, actually, because I’d prefer he eat mostly forage-based - but I can’t have them ready on demand!
He was originally supposed to be on the other side, next to Elmo, but my youngster ended up needing to switch with him. It’s probably for the better anyway, since Bo can be a messy eater and fat little Elmo doesn’t need to steal his food.
It really is! I managed to get by last winter, but this will be such a nice improvement on stormy days.
It’s beautiful! I LOVE it!! Thank you for posting the pictures. Everyone looks so happy and snug.
Please give everyone a kiss on the nose for me. (And two on Cooper’s nose because of my soft spot for sweet bay faces.)
THIS is why Staff is so hard to retain.
A good servant anticipates
Bo is like my mini.
He knows the treats are manufactured in my pockets & treats me like a vending machine.
The other 2 wait politely for their ration to be distributed.
He muzzlebutts me “C’mon, I know you’ve got them!”
That looks BEAUTIFUL. Well done. I’m so happy for you.
I tell you, I am trying my darndest but it’s always a struggle with this guy!
Bo is displeased. Politely, but still displeased.
Reasons why:
- CHANGE. Changing the routine/living situation always upsets him to some degree, which upsets his appetite.
- He is stuck in the single stall and not next to his emotional support pony, Elmo.
So, he’s kind of picking at his food, demanding something else even though there IS nothing else, and he’s low-key stall walking. Not obsessive circles, but he’s doing it enough to push the bedding out in a circle.
I can’t move him to a different stall, I really can’t, so hopefully he will settle in and adjust to the new routine. I could kick him out to live in one of the pastures 24/7 again, but then I’d have to kick somebody else out too. And that’s not feasible.
That looks great! I’m sure Bo will get used to it.
Bo, you’ve gotten to make the rules since you got here. It is time to adjust a little as a thank you to Heinz. I promise she is doing what’s best for you and it will be ok!
Bo seems to be slowly adjusting to his new accommodations… he still throws his food sometimes but his appetite seems to be coming back. He’s pretty spicy about going out in the morning, yesterday he was jigging on the way to the pasture and he’s been yahooing around the pasture for the first 5 minutes or so. More energy than I’ve seen out of him in a long time.
His 1 year anniversary was on Tuesday, and I know I said we’d be doing something for it. I’m behind schedule but I’m also sick, and there was the holiday yesterday, so we’ll be celebrating a week late if the weather cooperates. I had hoped to do something more exciting like get him out somewhere, but the ground conditions haven’t been favorable for much riding lately and I haven’t had time to do much besides build this barn.