Another New Horse - It's Bo!

This is an exciting development and I’m THRILLED for all of you!

Now, how can we send ‘barn warming’ stuff? Can you make an Amazon gift list???


I agree— a name is in order. I vote for Bo’s Bungalow!

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Bo’s Abode?


I think Heinz’s 57 is a wonderful name for it

The Botel.


Remember, she has more ponies than just Bo. Somehow I think the others will be thrilled and Bo will be “Meh!”


Well, that’s just downright brilliant.


MoBotel? (Why do what you can overdo, I always say)

With apologies to the Notorious BIG, mo ponies mo problems!



I wouldn’t even know what to put on it at this point!

For now, I am just moving the existing stuff in there, and will plan out the permanent interior build over the winter. I need a little break from spending money :woozy_face: :laughing: but I’m looking forward to accessorizing my tack room & wash rack. I haven’t had a proper wash rack or a tack room since I brought my horses home 11 years ago!

Yep, the other three might mutiny if Bo is elected the favorite :rofl: Eventually I will get around to designing a farm sign/logo that incorporates my brand and have something made to hang on the barn.

It was only 25 this morning :cold_face: but it’s warmed up to the 60s now so blankets came off at lunch. Of course, next week we’ll be back to temps in the 80s.

Sun’s out, buns out!


He is becoming a CHONK and I love him.


A tweak on The Botel: The Bootel, which is totally on-brand for his ample lovely tush.


Ok, so on the list of frivolous things to do has been the animal communicator. 'Cuz we all have questions, right?

First, the big ol’ disclaimer that I did this mostly for the entertainment value, and that nobody is taking it as gospel or using it as veterinary/training advice. If this isn’t your kind of thing, that’s cool - let’s just try not to derail the thread over it.

Now, the gist:

When asked about pain or discomfort, he shared several areas that bother him: left front fetlock, right hip/pelvis, and he said that when his RF toe gets long it makes his foot hurt.

When asked about his job/home life before I got him, he said that it was smaller. Had bad footing that hurt his feet. Some days he worked hard/long, some days he did nothing. He wanted me to know that he is happy to be here, feels valued/appreciated and likes knowing what he can expect.

When asked if happy: Yes. There is always lots of food. :joy:

I know y’all are disappointed that I didn’t ask him how old he is. I considered it. But ultimately, I wasn’t sure horses tell time like we do, or if he would even know something that specific. He is and will remain a distinguished gentleman of mystery. :blush:


:rofl: :heart:


For his new shelter: Chateau de Bo, or perhaps Chez Bo.

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Like a guest speaker :rofl:

Happy to be here Heinz. Keep up the good work in the kitchens.


Seriously, why am I welling up with tears about this. Bo is not even my horse.



Or maybe Chez Beau?

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Hi Friends.

Bo wants you to know that he is in the dog house now, because he has been chewing off Elmo’s forelock. Slowly over time, so as not to be obvious, but I think he’s trying to make Elmo’s match his little wisp.

Now Elmo looks like Manny, the mammoth from Ice Age:


I noticed some hair loss late this summer, which I figured was probably fly mask related. I have the ones with the forelock hole but Elmo has (had!) quite a pouf, as you can see. I started leaving fly masks off more and for longer, but hairs continued to disappear slowly over time. So, I thought bugs and treated accordingly. I made diet changes, because Elmo has always had fabulous hair. Yet the hairs kept slowly disappearing, and I was stumped.

Until today. I noticed very obvious chewed ends on the clumps that are 2-3" long. Bo is the only one that can reach him, and Elmo often stands with his head through the panels onto Bo’s side. The hair loss started shortly after they became fence neighbors. All the pieces clicked…



He wants to be twinzies with Elmo.

Naughty Bo.