Another New Horse - It's Bo!

Would you consider a trial period?
Would they?
Both for them & you, to see if they find Bo’s feed routine more than they bargained for?
Is it possible to soak enough cubes for both meals at the same time, then feed in 2 servings?

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Of course! We had planned to see how it goes the first few weeks. The lease would not be a set length, just month-to-month and I don’t really require a ton of notice if they would want to send him back home. It’s just up the road from my vet, I can pop in easily, and no other horse is taking up his ‘spot’ at home. The situation he’d be going into is truly as good, if not better, than he has it here - I can’t offer him a constant companion or 24/7 in/out access.

It would be possible to soak cubes ahead in bulk, IF someone had a spare empty refrigerator large enough to hold 10lbs of soaked cubes (think two 5 gal buckets worth). Even though it’s “winter”, we’re in Texas and it’s still fairly warm-ish. As the weather warms up in spring, spoilage and fermentation become even bigger problems - a problem that I will have to contend with even if he stays here.

I’ve also considered re-trying hay pellets, experimenting with chopped forage, or trying that new Unbeetable Forage Blend. But I have concerns about supply issues with the Unbeetable being so new to the market, and hay pellets and chopped forage would probably still need to be soaked to some degree for him to be able to chew. Going back to Purina Senior seemed like the surest bet as far as palatability and consistent supply.


I am so proud of you!

Bo will continue to thrive in his new spot and you will be able to focus on your goals. You have given him the wonderful gift of bringing him from deaths door to enjoying life again. Now he gets to find his spot and share all his old man wisdom.

That’s such a great mental spot to be in where you recognize what you need to do to maintain focus and direction.


Thank you! I was honestly a little worried folks might not understand, and might think I’m just trying to get rid of him. I absolutely will not be letting him go off to just anybody, it really has to be the right fit.

I’m trying to find the balance, doing the best for me and the best for the horses, before I burn myself out mentally and financially.


If we can group lease him for a stay-home, just let us know! :slight_smile:

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I’m sure Bo will enjoy the new place!

Soaked anything that takes a while to eat is always a problem in the summer, so switching back to a complete feed could be good (regardless of where he lives!)

It’s a lot of work to take care of 4 horses and ride regularly. Good for you for thinking out a thoughtful solution.

I’m sending cooperative vibes to Bo!

He looks fantastic!


He has a chance that he did not have a year ago! He is fat, and handsome and has video that he can go under saddle. You set him up for the win!

I will miss his sassy stories…but understand where you are coming from. Keep us posted if he (or you) needs anything. I am sure there is a hoard of COTHers willing to lend any hands. We owe you that!

Much love to you Heinz for making the right decisions for your horses and YOU.


We know you care about him. Just look at all you have done for him!


In a new place he may just adjust to whatever goes there, including management, times and food.
Worth giving it a try and easing your responsibilities, that have mounted past what is sensible.
You did a wonderful job rehabbing him, now maybe finding a nice place for him, good for you.

Heraclitus said it “the main constant in life is change, your can step in the same stream only once”.


How can this be the same horse? @Heinz_57, no one doubts that you will always do the best for Bo, and make sure that wherever he is, he continues to thrive.


Honestly, I just need a break, to go back to a more sustainable workload. He’s a wonderful boy and I truly want him to live his best life! But I haven’t been allowed to leave my house for more than a few hours in over a year. It’s worn me down, to the point that I occasionally think - just having NO horses at all for a while sounds nice. I’d finally have time for a nice big vegetable garden. :joy:


4 horses is a lot to handle! It sounds like you found the perfect situation for Bo, he is such a funny guy that he might just change his feed preferences again at the leaser’s place. The good news is that he is close and he can always come back if he needs to.


I’m Old - :wink:septagenarian - so my 2¢ is influenced by that, but maybe scale back on the Gotta Do Something with your horses.
None of us are trying for the Olympic shortlist.
At least not most of us :sunglasses:
I have 3.
While 1 is strictly decorative (23yo Hackney Pony) & finances have adiosed my bi-monthly Dressage lessons, weather (+ lack of impulsion) sidelined driving my mini, I still enjoy all 3.
Maybe, when I got him 13yrs ago, pony could/should have been re-broken to drive. I’ve ground-driven him - aging knees ruled that out.
Horse was a gift from a friend who horsecamped & trailrode exclusively for the 6yrs she had him.
We were making decent progress with my trainer. I don’t doubt I could progress with him, even w/o trainer’s help.
I won the Mini Lottery with my guy. He can sit 6mos (& has) & step back into harness.
But they have a good life with me & I believe that’s all horses want.

If Bo’s new home doesn’t work out & he comes back to you, there’s another person somewhere who’ll appreciate what you’ve given back to him & be able to give him the same.


While I myself am not terribly concerned about how often I do or don’t get to ride, if I had 4 horses and that was preventing me from being able to ride as much as I liked, I’d want to find good homes for 1 or 2 as well. And some folks are much more interested in riding regularly than I am.

I keep just two horses and between their care, my job and my family obligations (and I don’t even have kids) it’s hard to find time to ride! I can’t imagine the time to take care of four being doable (much less the hay bill)!


I have no doubt that you’ll do what’s best for Bo. The lease sounds great for him!


I mean, I haven’t ridden anyone since… late October, maybe? Besides putting the first ‘ride’ on Fern this week. And I can count the number of times I managed to ride 3 horses in one day this year (two is pretty doable, though). So clearly I’m not going to the olympics either :joy: but I admit that I keep horses because I like riding, mainly, and with hay over $600/ton it’s very difficult to justify keeping ones that are just sitting/don’t have time for.


Would anyone happen to have a care lease contract sample handy that I could borrow? In all my searches of the internet so far, all I’m getting is over-involved paid lease, specified duration type contracts that are way above and beyond what I need here. I just need a month to month that covers the basics.

Bo has decided that the diet change isn’t so bad and has been eating pretty well. However, he has also made it very clear that he does not appreciate being locked in the barn. Not even for mad crazy thunderstorms, wind, and sideways rain with a side of tornado watch. :woman_shrugging:


I have one. It needs to be edited a bit. I can send it in a message, if that’s okay.

Sure! I don’t mind doing some tweaking, just didn’t want to have to write the entire thing from scratch.

Silly Bo. Mine almost got locked out into it. I had blue skies already.