Another New Horse - It's Bo!

He’s very polite about it, of course, but I think he prefers outside with a run in or at least in/out access. Or just being left in the pasture with the trees to stand under. The problem is I can’t just put the other horses in and leave him out - he gets upset being left alone, naturally, and will stand out in the rain at the gate closest to the barn.

After Cooper rearranged his stall this morning due to boredom (and not for lack of food) I just tossed everyone back out to fend for themselves. No more mrs. nice lady trying to shelter the ingrates from the bad weather and sloppy mud. :joy:


Bo is so lucky you had found him. Of course we are going to miss hearing about his food demands, but we all understand where you are coming from.

Plus its a lease situation. You are not saying good bye to Bo, but “go live with your aunties house for a bit”.


Maybe, as a condition of the lease, you could insist that the new caretaker for Bo (Bo would never have anything so declasse as an "owner) open a COTH account and post pictures on a regular basis.

Seems like the least they could do to cater to Bo’s fan base!


Bold mine.
When a horse is really opinionated, there’s really not much you can do but submit.

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Submission. :wink:

True, but I cannot manage the entire herd based on one Bo’s dictations. :joy: He’s not even happy right now because he is somewhat isolated from the others, who are in a pasture at the other end of the property. Unless something comes up, I’ll be taking him over this weekend to meet his new friends and get settled in. If tomorrow is not windy, I might even give him a bath (supposed to be 75).

Bo napping in the sun this afternoon:


Well folks, it’s moving day!

I will be updating with a full array of pics later today to document his pre-move condition, and then pics of him and his new horse & human friends once we get to his new residence. This week Lessee and I discussed and agreed that I would send him with “his” saddle. I am also going to send the pad setup that I use, his girth, and his blankets, basically the full kit of what fits and what he’s used to. Sending the saddle out is a bit of a risk (I love that saddle and would hate to see it damaged) but at least it will ensure that he is comfortable for rides.

I am hopeful that he will transition smoothly and doesn’t go on hunger strike. Or do anything else to give his poor new keeper a heart attack like he has to me over the last year. :laughing: But I will be available to advise her every step of the way, and to go retrieve him if it doesn’t work out.

Did I mention that the gal also has two donkeys in addition to the horse? I don’t know how Bo feels about donkeys. Guess we’re going to find out soon!


Jingling for an easy move day and Bo loving his new home.


Good luck Bo, be a good boy!


Eagerly awaiting a report. I can see him being king of the castle with those donks, or totally bamboozled, no middle ground


Ok, not gonna post the whole collection of pics from this morning because I am on my phone, but:

Getting ready -

Pre-trip nap required…

Exploring with new friend

Checking out the donkeys and the stall accommodations:

He seemed to settle right in, walked off exploring and grass tasting as soon as we let him go. His new friend is even less bossy than he is, so Bo may actually be the leader of this duo :laughing: We’ll see how the feeding arrangements go, that’s the only question mark about the whole situation. He seemed very pleased with his new accommodations and his new herd.

She would like me to continue trimming his feet and I’m happy to do it, so I’ll have a built in opportunity to check on him once a month or so.


But, but, but….how did Elmo take it?

I think he is unaware that Bo left, since they have been at opposite ends of the property for about a week and Elmo is with the other boys. There was zero drama!


That looks like a very good place for him and you’re still involved; win win and I totally trust your judgement, you’ve done a smashing job with him!


We all knew Bo would find a way to be king of the world. It sounds like he’s in the perfect kingdom for it now, with plenty of subjects to rule over! :rofl:


Well done!

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Looks like a nice big field, a dry, open and airy barn setting and a non dominant companion which is a perfect place for an older guy like Bo.

I hope he does real well and is happy. I know it was hard to let him go.


Just a wee update.

Socially, Bo is doing great. I guess he’s taken charge and was pushing the donkeys around, literally, if you can imagine that.

Food-wise, he (of course) refused his first meal. I guess he’s been eating better since then but she is struggling with how long it takes him to eat in the mornings, since she has to leave for work at a specified time and doesn’t want to leave him locked up all day (understandably). We’re brainstorming solutions, like maybe a slightly smaller AM meal that he can finish in the allotted time, and a slightly bigger PM one to make up for it - we’ll see if it works out. I have my reservations, because I know he will only eat so much in one sitting, but I’m still hopeful. It’s only been a few days and hopefully we can come up with a successful strategy over the next few weeks.

If it doesn’t work out, no harm no foul. Y’all know almost as much as I do that he’s high maintenance and that’s not for everybody. Or even most people. I just hope he doesn’t drop too much weight while we figure things out.

PS - it is 18 degrees right now with a 15mph wind and I am freezing right to death!


Sounds like Bo needs to be fed earlier or have a snack when she gets home. Then his PM meal.

All problems are solvable just takes time to figure out the solution.

Glad he’s making friends.


I’m doing the MAKE ALL GONE! dance for Bo. :dancer::ear_of_rice:
Aside from his eating quirks, it sounds like he’s happy with the new arrangement.
:+1: You getting to check on him monthly is great.

Looking fwd to the next Bo Report :grinning: