Another New Horse - It's Bo!

Oh, gosh, Heinz, that description of the donkeys waiting for the boss, is just :rofl: I can picture little aliens all moving in unison according to their Leader’s wishes.


Minions! Bo has minions!


It makes me insanely happy that Bo is a donkey fan!!! SNORT - CEO of donk town - LOVE IT

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I wish I had video-d when he went back out. There are narrow dirt paths worn in the grass as equines do from constantly taking the same route, and the two donks and Bo all walked nose-to-tail (seriously, couldn’t be any closer together) with Bo bringing up the rear on the little dirt path, back out to the hilltop. Like he was shepherding them back out to the field :joy:


omg that makes my heart happy!!!

Bo has found his peeps :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Except they’re Hee-Haws! :rofl:

@BatCoach Beg to differ.
Bo is the Mayor of Donktown!


Yes, that makes sense. He would be the Major of Donktown, but the CEO of Donk Industries Inc.


His new servant. I love it. Bo’s story gives us all what we need right now - pure joy. I know you are exhausted but hopefully finding some recovery now that you’re down one?

I have two and plan to go to three and with concern knowing what that means work-wise.

:joy: The lack of trips to the feed store alone is a welcome break! Some days I still think it would be ideal to continue to scale all the way back down to just one, but I can’t even figure out which one I would sell to get to two :laughing: I like them all, in very different ways. I just started my youngster u/s and he’s turned out to be really fun.


Might any pony videos be forthcoming? :wink:



I only have video from, like… all but one of his 12 “real” rides so far? :rofl: I spent a handful of days just sitting on him standing still, which I don’t count as “rides”. I’ve been using my Pivo for every ride. Obviously a lot of it is really boring stuff, so I’ve cherry-picked some clips of the highlights from the further along rides that I’ve been sharing with friends. Ride 10 is really hard to watch (proceed with caution, those who suffer from motion sickness!) because I was experimenting with different settings on the Pivo and had it going too fast, so it jerks back and forth repeatedly. We did first canters during ride 9 and it got lost every single time on Auto-speed, so I was trying to fix that problem by manually selecting the speed. I think I finally found the right speed setting for this size of paddock today.

Pony pix just cuz:


ADORABLE!!! He does look fun!

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He is so cute and so willing!

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He’s been a total kick in the pants - he’s super smart and very sensible, really tries his best. I’ve started quite a few youngsters and I can’t recall one that was this naturally balanced from the start.

He’s come a long way :blush: from the ugly little neglected yak-ling I bought off craigslist for $500 two years ago.


Thank you! He looks like he has an enormous amount of potential!

So is he going to get his own thread, or are you going to add him to the title of this one? What a nice little dude.

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Believe it or not, he has one :joy: it just didn’t get a huge amount of interest like Bo did, and there wasn’t a lot to update since he’s just been hanging out and growing the last two years. I should go dig it up and add the update. New Pony! Update: 4 months later

This one can stay Bo’s, with the odd detour here and there :laughing:


I love his hairstyle.

Bo’s servant sent me some pix this morning, here is one:

I’m heading over to go take care of his feet this coming weekend, so I’ll be hands on but it looks like he may have filled back out a little bit. As you can see, he has no shortage of grass, space, or donks!


That pic is EPIC! That place looks like equine paradise! Bo, you have arrived.