Another USEF Rule Question: Neoprene Lined Fly Bonnets?

So I am asking this question to see if anyone has any experience with using these and if they’ve been permitted. Somewhere in my head I thought I read back in Dec/Jan that USEF specifically changed the rules to allow the fly bonnets with neoprene lined ears in competition. Of course now, after the fact, I can’t find reference to this anywhere (which probably means my brain just made it up for funsies or something :confused:). Anyhow, the rule basically states:

“hoods (ear covers) are permitted for all classes in order to protect horses from insects. The fly hoods should be discreet in color and design and should not cover the horse’s eyes. After completion of the test, the rider or his representative is responsible for removing the fly hood to present to the designated ring steward for inspection to ensure that nothing prohibited has been added (for example, ear plugs).
Logos in compliance with DR121.1 and manufacturer’s logos are permitted.”

I feel like since ear plugs are a no go then they likely wouldn’t want you to use the lined fly bonnets but then they also changed the rule to say that fly bonnets can now be worn indoors (note red type) which sort of renders them useless for fly protection, so aside from blocking some noise why bother?

I did go ahead and email USEF and this was the response I got:

[I]"Per […cites the rule I already posted above…]

The Rule book does not include wording on what type of material a fly hood is made out of. As long as the Fly hood is worn as described above, then it would be permissible. However, if you still have questions, I would recommend following-up with the TD at the competition, so they can review.


So with that response I feel like she’s saying they’re not illegal, but it still seems a little questionable. I will likely ask a TD at the next show but thought I would see if anyone here had any information.

Thank you in advance!

I did ask a TD about them - and was told no. I suspect we’ll get different answers from different TDs, at least for a while - until USEF comes up with a definitive answer.

According to this article padded ear covers are allowed by FEI:

The relevant paragraphs are in about in the middle of the article and read, "“Today Legolas was wearing new padded ear covers, and I’m so glad the FEI approved the use of them this year,” Peters explained. "The jumpers are allowed to wear them and I always felt that it was only fair to allow some ear protection and make it a bit more comfortable for our dressage horses in the freestyle, especially the noise-sensitive ones.“It certainly seemed to make him more comfortable, especially in the indoor environment where the loud music really echoes around in a smaller space. He responded positively when we worked with it at home, so we decided to try it here at Del Mar and now it will be part of our plan for the future. So I sincerely thank the FEI for allowing this, not just from me but especially from Legolas.” Peters noted that Legolas will now take a short break before participating in one final prep show at Del Mar in late April, then head to Europe in late May to begin preparations for the final Olympic Games selections.’

I think my " and ’ are backwards, but it was easier just to cut and paste and add the '.

According to this article padded ear covers are allowed by FEI:

The relevant paragraphs are in about in the middle of the article and read, "“Today Legolas was wearing new padded ear covers, and I’m so glad the FEI approved the use of them this year,” Peters explained. "The jumpers are allowed to wear them and I always felt that it was only fair to allow some ear protection and make it a bit more comfortable for our dressage horses in the freestyle, especially the noise-sensitive ones.“It certainly seemed to make him more comfortable, especially in the indoor environment where the loud music really echoes around in a smaller space. He responded positively when we worked with it at home, so we decided to try it here at Del Mar and now it will be part of our plan for the future. So I sincerely thank the FEI for allowing this, not just from me but especially from Legolas.” Peters noted that Legolas will now take a short break before participating in one final prep show at Del Mar in late April, then head to Europe in late May to begin preparations for the final Olympic Games selections.’

I think my " and ’ are backwards, but it was easier just to cut and paste and add the '.[/QUOTE]

But unless you are competing at a CDI you are governed by the USEF rules NOT the FEI rules… Since it’s a bit of a grey area I think the suggestion to check with the TD at every show is the best route to take.

I’m hoping that the USEF will follow the FEI rule. Last year while I was in Wellington I asked the TD about ear bonnets. I was told that while the jumpers could have padding that they were not allowed in dressage. The ears needed to collapse when removed from the horse was how she put it.

Aah. Another USEF gray area.

Man, I would be a little worried about using a neoprene ear bonnet on a warm day because of the heat retention factor. Ears are good for losing heat.

So, from the intro text of Subchapter DR-1 of the USEF Dressage Division rules:

For any circumstances not specifically covered in these rules reference should be made to the following publications of the FEI:
Rules for Dressage Events
General Regulations
Since every eventuality cannot be provided for in these Rules for any unforeseen or exceptional circumstances, it is the duty of the Jury or Show Committee, according to their respective responsibilities as outlined in DR124.2, to make
a decision in a sporting spirit and approaching as nearly as possible the intention of these Rules.

If USEF doesn’t specify it, look to the FEI rules, then run it by the TD to confirm. That’s how I interpret that. In the case of the fly bonnets, the FEI rules are fairly specific on fly bonnet construction. I’d link to the specific chapter but the FEI site is not talking to me at the moment.

Agree with Poltroon. Neoprene ear bonnets would be awfully hot. What would be the point of such gear?

Agree with Poltroon. Neoprene ear bonnets would be awfully hot. What would be the point of such gear?[/QUOTE]

To get around the “no ear plugs” rule and muffle sound.

Why don’t they just allow ear plugs?

Question before I start a spinoff thread about the elastic “cradles” that come in every PS of Sweden bridle: The only online rulebook I can find seems to be from 2013, but someone who seemed to know said that there had been a rule change allowing them.

Not sure if there was a rule change, but I know a lot of people showing in those bridles.

Why don’t they just allow ear plugs?[/QUOTE]

I don’t know, and my horse is (slightly) better with ear plugs, and I ordered a neoprene-eared earbonnet before finding out that, apparently, those, too are a no-no.

I would guess the rationale would be that they are allowed for jumpers, because a horse being distracted at the point of take-off for a jump or the like might be truly problematic, but that our dressage horses are supposed to be SO well-trained that they should not react to loud noises, etc.

All very nice in theory, but I have owned my horse for almost 10 years, exposed him to everything I can think of, and he will STILL react to a loud noise, a sudden movement of SOMETHING that catches the corner of his eye, etc. It often means that I have to be on the lookout so I can shoulder-in him away from a distraction, etc., but if someone, for instance, loudly drops a bucket as I ride by, I can find him going 10 feet sideway. The earplugs have really helped in that regard, especially at the moment since he is recovering from an injury and is supposed to WALK only.

The neoprene lined bonnets ARE hot, but if you only put them on in cooler weather, or just put them on for a few minutes when there is a lot of noise going on (for example, someone is doing a techno-pop freestyle in the next ring - I experienced that a couple of years ago, and my mare was NOT a happy camper), they really can help. Some horses are much more noise sensitive.

I rode in a clinic in January - and someone was doing rifle practice while I rode - my mare was leaping at every shot. Those are the kind of situations where it can be helpful.

I wish USEF would give us a formal decision - yea or nay!

Aaaannnd as usual, USEF is useless in clarifying their own rules.

Ugh. I just bought one of these, too, for a horse who, like Sandy M’s, has been exposed to death to everything under the sun but just gets jumpy in her own skin when there are loud, unexpected noises. She comes right back within a few moments, but it has really helped her just tune out 99% of “stuff” going on that we have no control over.

I’m preparing to show rated again this year for the first time in several years, and I’m now remember why I stopped showing for a while to begin with. Too many silly, politically-motivated rules, too many erroneous changes, too hard to keep up with the en vogue rule change of the season…

You live somewhere that flies and bugs are restricted to outside?

Hmm… but don’t most horses come equipped with biologic ‘noise muffling/bug deterring’ gear, aka ear hair? Seems we clip it out, then seek to replace it.

Hmm… but don’t most horses come equipped with biologic ‘noise muffling/bug deterring’ gear, aka ear hair? Seems we clip it out, then seek to replace it.[/QUOTE]

I don’t clip my horse’s ear tufts, only trim so the hair is flush with a “folded ear”. But I’d love to see research that shows ear hair muffles sound.

Logically, that’d be very, very bad news for a horse’s survival in the wild. :winkgrin:

Hmm… but don’t most horses come equipped with biologic ‘noise muffling/bug deterring’ gear, aka ear hair? Seems we clip it out, then seek to replace it.[/QUOTE]

Bug deterring yes, noise muffling no. I don’t clip my horse’s ears (like many, I cut the long hairs that come out of the ears, I call them the Elfin hairs). I don’ t think many dressage people clip ear hair? Horses have very keen hearing - the hair does not muffle anything, nor is it meant to.