Another Way to buy itty bitty shares in a horse!

Do it do it do it!

In all seriousness, we don’t know when his shares will sell out. If you’re considering it, it would probably be wise to do it sooner rather than later.

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Did you see the video update they had of her gate work? She looked so calm! As someone who mostly started young horses, that’s always been the most mystifying/scary part of race training for me. I get weird flashbacks to being stuck in a trailer with a panicking horse years ago. But these videos are totally demystifying it.

Yes! I was very impressed with how nicely she stood and then cantered right out! If nothing else, she seems like she has a good brain on her.

I actually really enjoyed seeing how gate training worked on video. And the videos of the other horses as they’ve progressed from trotting to jogging to galloping and breezing. As a sporthorse person with TBs, it’s like I’m getting a little extra insight into how they’ve been trained.–like, mine both clearly had good starts put on them, and watching the videos are letting me see the why/how of that. So I appreciate it on that level, too.


Further upstream in this thread (I think it was) talked a bit more about gate training. This video would be further along in gate training, where she had to stand in the gate calmly before ‘breaking’ out of it.

What I guess I didn’t think about is Miss Sakamoto and the other 2YO in training sale horses skipped over some of their racehorse training and conditioning. I didn’t realize (or think about) that they’d do their 1f or 2f bullet work for the sale, and then (at least for MRH), sent someplace for a 30-60 day ‘let down’ after the sale and are just now picking back up with conditioning and, oh, gate training :roll_eyes: Yes, watching the training updates you can see what a race horse learns and what things are just not on their dance card because they just didn’t have to learn that skill.

There are still Race Hunter 19 shares available (he hasn’t been removed from the Buy page yet). :stuck_out_tongue:

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I got the email on the naming contest for the horse I bought into that was completely sold, did not get anything for the one that is still available. Is that how it works? Naming contest takes place when horse is completely sold?

Naming I think happens when the horse may be close to heading to the race track. As I understand it, the horse needs a JC name before it can be entered in a race. However, the when appears to be a bit arbitrary. My Future Stars went through the naming process all at at the same time.

All right, all right, I broke down and joined y’all in Race Hunter’19 ownership!

I’m looking forward to them all having names of their own, rather than their dams names. I have to constantly remind myself that Courtisane ‘19 is a colt :laughing:


Congrats on Race Hunter 19.

One of the colts that I didn’t buy into from this spring, IIRC, they were looking for names.

I’m expecting soon on some of them from OBS 2YO in training are starting to make real training progress. It’ll happen :slight_smile:

I just joined the club too! Watched all the videos, and dang! this could become addictive! RH 19 is a nice mover. I still may buy a share of the Tapit colt next week if still available.

Am I right in assuming that the Silver Springs where he is training is in Maryland and not Florida?


I believe this Silver Springs is in Lexington, KY.

If you like planning ahead and obsessing :slight_smile:

Watch the larger sales like the OBS 2YO under tack sales and the Fasig-Tipton and Keeneland sales for horses who are bought by Myracehorse. A bit of a ‘preview’ of what you might expect to see as an offering in the future. Having said that, there have been a few from the OBS 2YO sales that haven’t been offered yet (I wonder if offerings are ‘parceled’ out so as to not overwhelm what MRH has).

What I like for the offerings is that the future trainer and circuit are named. This was the case even for the yearlings from Fasig-Tipton and Keeneland for the September sales. The trainer was already identified. Could it change, yeah, but for the most part, hopefully not. You won’t know the share % and per share cost until MRH has gone through the SEC approval process and offers the horse but you can decide ahead of time what you might like and start saving your pennies :slight_smile:

Not all horses MRH acquires are in partnership with Spendthrift but the majority are.

Mrs Whistler must have completely sold as she is gone off the Buy page.

Yes it is addictive but at least I had one buy-in price and not all the pricey vet bills a few of mine are running up :roll_eyes: Yes, expenses are paid out of profits before I see any $$,

Well, I thought of one at the last minute! You can guess which colt I am referring to, lol:

Wonder Who Called


Oh, definitely voting for that one if it makes the finals.

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All I gotta say is don’t necessarily take the photo on the Buy tab as an indicator of what the horse might look like.

One horse I looked at I did watch his 2YO under tack breeze, looked at his conformation photo (which I did not like) and saw a video of yesterday’s training session (not sure of the track ATM) and he’s turned into a lovely, nice looking racehorse. Originally thought I was nuts but now I’m thinking I’m less nuts. :blush:

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I started a Google Doc to keep track of everyone. It’s that bad, hah. I love it though!

Yes, the naming happens when all of the shares are sold so everyone can take part.

I miss the horse bonding…

Today’s update videos included post gallop bath, currying in the stall (she has a bit of a 'tude if you ask me :slight_smile: ), morning gallop at one of the training facilities.

It’s not just race stuff, but MRH includes stills and videos of horses being horses (nap in the stall, meeting a new neighbor through the grill between the stall behind).

Let’s me get some of the horse fix I miss so much…


They were to release the final name selections for Wonder Upon a Star 19 today. Has anyone gotten the list yet?

I usually keep an eye on the Update tab - but nothing there yet.

It’s up! But the actual voting names aren’t what they listed in the update? Thank goodness, none of those made any sense!