Another Way to buy itty bitty shares in a horse!

BTW, you did a nice job of talking me into him… my second Not This Time :slight_smile: and the rest of the pedigree is a nice compliment :smiley:

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Thank you. That means a lot coming from you. We try hard to get it (at least mostly) right. :slight_smile:

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The Race Hunter ‘19 colt had his first breeze today.
He looks to be a fairly substantial 2y/o.

I’m enjoying the hell out of following “my” horses. I love the updates, which are a bit more frequent than I expected.

Has anyone checked out Miss Sakamoto?
She’s not the prettiest thing out there (looks a bit pig eyed) but you don’t ride the head.
Sounds like they’re planning on running her on the turf.

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I think that is what a breeder should do.

I saw that Astern got his first stakes winner (I think it was his first) this last weekend.

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I love the updates that aren’t the more standard ‘works’ on the track… eating hay in their stall, one of mine today was of him getting a bath, a photo of one flat on his side taking a nap. All things I know they do but fun to see them.

I do like all the updates. I think it helps keep the owners engaged and interested and not just ‘thanks for your money now wait for the winner’s circle’.

I also like when there is a problem, they say something when the problem pops up and what they’re going to do about it and updates as they have a diagnosis and plan and progress information.


I know you aren’t in the owner groups on FB, but the few I did join are fun as well.
Other MRH owners that have gotten chances to go see the horses, share photos & info from their visits on the groups as well
It’s just a neat, extra “insiders” look sometimes.

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I bought a share of her. I wanted something a bit slower maturing to balance out the more mature colts I have. The second dam is also impressive, and over some decent distances for a filly.

I also love all of the updates! My job has been pretty stressful lately, so I often find myself looking for updates during the day to take a bit of the sting out of some of the worse days. I’m not a FB user, but that group sounds fun!


Thought of you when I saw an update today on one of ‘my’ horses from KEESEP20. She’s in Mott’s barn at Saratoga. The update was her getting turned out in the round pen, nice and sandy surface. She gets down for a good roll on one side and up with a few good buck snorts for good measure. I love seeing horses being horses and even more so these horses as they have such an organized and regimented life.


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Last night I bought a share of Race Hunter 19. So have joined the COTH party.

I see Ta Wee blood on the sire side. Loved that mare.


Well, y’all have almost gotten me to join in the fun. I’ve been intrigued with the Tapit colt, but for a 2-year-old he looks awfully mature. Is that good or bad? I like to think that they have room for more growing to do at that age. I like the idea of Mott as the trainer.

It’s between that and the COTH party Race Hunter 19 colt. Asmussen is not my trainer of choice, but okay.

Thoughts about the two colts? Thanks.

I’m no help, I have a share of each :blush:

Today’s update on Courtisane 19 is that he is still training at Margaux Farm. He’s compact and sticks at 15.2 .

C’mon @betonbill… we have to make this a THING with the Race Hunter 19 colt. :joy: #peerpressure

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A friend owns a piece of the Tapit colt. She got an update with a current conformation shot. He does not look nearly as “finished” as in the picture on MRH. (That picture sort of turned me off too, for the same reason you cite.)

Let’s see if you can see this. URL for the Courtisane 19 colt from about 14 days ago.

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Oh, he looks much more babyish in that picture. He sure is handsome, though.

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The conformation photo on the Buy page is probably taken during the OBS sale from, what six weeks ago. Once they are purchased, MRH/et al, let them down for 30-60 days so this photo has had some R&R time built in.

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I should add that was added to my fix is last fall I bought into the ‘Future Stars’ bundle with 14 horses (now 13).

Even though I don’t have individual shares in all of them, I still get updates on all of them. A few are fairly close to being in the starting gate for a real race while others are still at training facilities. I like that each has been treated as an individual and progressed as appropriate :slight_smile:


I bought a share in both the Tapit colt and in Miss Sakamoto. I’m a sucker for a chestnut mare, and just liked the look of the colt. And the Flatter colt as well. Trying to diversify, or so I tell myself.

It’s gotten rather addictive. I may have to break down and join the Racehunter group here too :slight_smile:


I concur with this observation. :blush:

I tried the mental ‘diversification’ argument which worked fairly well. The only problem is that with the diversification I am getting to see the ‘other’ side of having a lot of horses… one is out for this, another is out for that (out being not actively racing/training). I know that is what would be expected from a group of horses, they all aren’t going to be 100% racing sound and perfect all the time… now I just get to beat my head against the wall :slight_smile: (but at least a few are continuing to make progress toward actually starting in a race (I am including both first time starters and more experienced horses.)

What got me into the ‘diversification’ was last fall, MRH bundled together 14 horses they acquired at KEESEP20 and called them the Future Stars Bundle. I own about 3 hairs of each horse but I still get updates on all of them. They are each progressing at their own rate which I like. Some are just not mature and ready to race yet, one is on long term layoff (condylar fracture after a 4f ‘lick’ but at least he was only off leaving the track and didn’t actually break down), a few are on short term layoff.

But, got to hand it to MRH. A bunch of updates today on a Sunday

Well, even with one actual horse, it’s often out for this, out for that. So at least this way I’ve got a one-time fee instead of a bunch of vet bills :joy:

I’ve got 5 now, and I’ve been enjoying the training updates. Really looking forward to seeing them start to race!