Another Way to buy itty bitty shares in a horse!

Names are up, but the names for Ari & Wonder got mixed up.
However, if you click on the voting link, the correct names show up for each horse.

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I hope the horse is never as lame as the names they selected.

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I actually voted for ā€œStar Six Nineā€, but I wonder if the Jockey Club would allow that one in.

I was part of naming the 14 in the Future Stars bundle - I got the impression that a first pass through JC had been done but then after weā€™d all voted on all 14 horses (that was a project :slight_smile: ) there were 2 that ended up being under review by JCā€¦ one was accepted and one wasnā€™t and got named something else (and now I donā€™t even remember which horse that was).

I chose Interstellar for Wonder Upon a Star, but I donā€™t like any of the names for Ari.

I voted Interstellar too.

Iā€™ve already got a few name ideas saved for other horses who will hopefully be up for naming soon.

For those whoā€™ve been through this before, how long does it usually take to get an answer back on the submission to the JC?

I thought MRH had a day where the name would be announced. I think if there may be an issue, they know it then and say somethingā€¦

For the Future Stars, one was accepted and the one that wasnā€™t, I donā€™t think MRH said anything when an accepted name was determined (I donā€™t remember).

Saw that Spendthrift bought one from the Fasig-Tipton 2YO sale today at Santa Anita. A 2019 bay filly by Tiznow out of Soot Z. MRH bought nothing (kinda not surprised, they have a few they bought from the early OBS 2YO sales that havenā€™t been offered yet.

For a name thatā€™s straightforward, it usually only takes a day or two. Longer if they have some sort of objection. And if they really object, it will be turned down right away.


Iā€™m reading between the lines to see what horses you guys are talking about. I looked the 2yo out of Wonder Upon a Star on the JC site. No name has yet been submitted for that horse.

Weā€™re still voting on the names, so there wouldnā€™t be one there yet. From what I remember from naming the others, they submit the first choice and if that kicks back they try the second choice and so on.


Final shareholder voting ends the 28th so shortly thereafter the winning name should be submitted to JC for approval.

The process is that shareholders can submit one name per shareholder which are then ā€˜reviewedā€™ by MRH (and I think also Spendthrift). The top 5 choices are then re-submitted for voting to then shareholders and thence a name submitted for JC approval.

Gotta admit, I mostly donā€™t like the names weā€™ve ended up with but I really figure I donā€™t care about the name, I care the horse is safe and that they perform up to their individual expectations (not all are expected to be the next Justify or Authentic).


If anyone is interestedā€¦shares in Got Stormy and Social Dilemma are currently being offered.

And now they are gone off the Buy page againā€¦ weird.

Thatā€™s not the first time theyā€™ve had a glitch where sold out horses showed up. And earlier this week, they mixed up the name choices between 2 horses. MRH needs to really get their act together on their website.

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Another eye opening experience.

I did buy into at least one of the OBS 2021 Spring horses. I had no ideaā€¦ these horses were smoking hot fast during the under-tack show. Little did I knowā€¦

They go back to a farm or training facility for 30-60 days let down, re-started including learning to work in company with other horses, the starting gate, re-working from the jog or canter back up to gallop, re-build fitness past 1-2f. I just never thought about all this. I figured the OBS Spring horses were ā€˜track readyā€™. Not so much :stuck_out_tongue: :blush:

At least next spring Iā€™ll be better prepared. It all makes sense, I just never thought about it before :joy:

I think previously someone mentioned that names are picked for unnamed horses once all the shares were sold.

Not sure that is the case as one of the horses currently for sale, Co Cola 19, is looking for name :slight_smile: Same processā€¦ owners can submit one nameā€¦ the 5 selected get voted on for a single name. The process takes a few weeks so Co Cola 19 may be relatively close to actually needing a name at the track :+1:

Ugh! After the submissions closed, people posted what they had submitted and there were some very good names. MRH chose 5 crappy names as finalists. One was obviously too close sounding to another horse, so the Jockey Club rejected it. Two were used previously, but were eligible because the of the horsesā€™ ages. So what did the poor horse get stuck with? Star Six Nine. How did the Jockey Club not find that offensive?

You have no idea (nor do I) why MRH and Spendthrift chose the names they did. You are also going off of names that people chose to reveal. Donā€™t know what names were submitted as I am more than sure that not all names submitted were revealed post deadline.

For me, whatever. The horse doesnā€™t know or care what his name is :slight_smile:

Not sure what the concern is about Star Six Nine - *69 is last-call return (return the call of the last one to ring in).

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Thereā€™s a sexual connotation to the 69.

Google *69