Another Way to buy itty bitty shares in a horse!

Why? I know what it means in regards to phones and I know its other meaning, and I don’t need that kind of stuff showing up in a search.

Eh… what you thought were very good names, might not have been what others liked.
Be happy you got to take part in the naming process.
Not sure why so many have sour grapes this go around, with this particular horse.
Other horses I have shares in, sure don’t have as many people whinging over things.

The numerous Facebook comments and the comments and down votes on the Youtube announcement show that many people agree that there were better, classier names suggested.

I paid for that right to submit a name. In fact, I bought multiple shares. Which in any other organization, you get 1 vote per share. This you had 1 vote per person.

Except that MRH does NOT in fact have to offer the naming up to any of us with these microshares. :woman_facepalming:

Even with allowing each micro-share owner to submit a name, That does not mean they have to choose what any of us submit :woman_shrugging:

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Maybe some are taking this too seriously? I submitted a name, it was not selected as top five, I voted for one not chosen. Oh well, no biggie.

Doubt my horse will win the Derby (he is out now for 60 days with an injury), but I enjoy the updates and the pictures. I am in this for fun.


Well, if you owned ALL of the shares, and the horse, you could name it anything that you wanted.

You know like “Yesimaprude”, or some such! :rofl:


Some people prefer class and dignity.

Well, that would have been a good name. “He come’s Class and Dignity up the lane!”

I voted for Star Six Nine. I am a little surprised it got Jockey Club approval, but I think it’s a clever play on the sire and dam.

That said, I am not sure if I’ll get the t-shirt. I live in an area where there are a few too many rednecks who won’t understand anything but the sexual connotation and feel it’s their inherent right to make remarks.

My dad had a client who was a majority owner of a decent SW named Straight Man - he was touted as a possible Derby starter in 1999. The client gave my dad a really nice jacket with the horse’s name emblazoned on the back, which Dad appreciated but never wore for somewhat obvious reasons.

I’m in this for fun; even if the colt never starts I like the fact that Spendthrift/MRH will keep us in the loop should he move on to a second career. I’m not going to get bent out of shape over a name. It could be way worse - I’ve always hated the Quarter Horse names with all of the Sheza/Heza business, for example.


I know that.

But I also know *69 is used to call back the most recent call.

Dam’s name is Wonder Upon A Star - hence the ‘*’ in the name.

There is a horse Six Ninety One - so close.

My overall thought is as mommy_peanut. Be happy you got to participate in the process. If it gets to be too painful for MRH and Spendthrift, they’ll just name the unnamed themselves without input from the microshare owners (ie, we’re not ‘real’ owners of any of these horses).

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And nowhere that I am aware of in the legal description of what you get for your shares, does it say you have the right to participate in any unnamed horse’s name.

Since naming was not something included in the offering agreement, you, as a shareholder (not owner), have no right to participating in naming any of the horses you may have acquired shares in.

If you can prove otherwise, I’d like to see it.

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In their opinion, better and classier names.

Star Six Nine (formerly Wonder Upon A Star 19) has a maximum of 10,000 microshare owners. Since he is not currently sold out, don’t know how many microshares are out standing and who knows how many of the microshares that are owned actually participate in the FB group (I know I sure don’t for reasons just like this).

So, a relatively small minority of total microshare owners don’t like the name. Deal with it. To the best of my knowledge, you have no legal standing to challenge it. Personally, I wish you’d keep this whining over on FB and leave this thread in COTH alone. I like discussing the process and the horses and not all the petty whining and sour grapes about a name.

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On a more positive note, after saying I wasn’t going to, I submitted a name for Co Cola 19, a colt by Flatter.

We’ll see if it gets past the first round - won’t know for another week.

He is sold out. They do not name them until that happens.

People are entitled to an opinion. I disagree with people who like the name, but I’m not telling them to quit posting.

Another name was the top vote-getter. (Unfortunately, it was rejected as being too similar to an existing name.) So, it was not a relatively small minority who didn’t like the name he ended up with.

This is another ‘not true’ statement. As far as I know, Co Cola 19 is not sold out (he’s still on the Buy page) but they have started the naming process for him.

Yes, you are entitled to your opinion. I don’t care if you disagree with me. I was simply asking that any whining or sour grapes be done someplace else rather than take up space in this BB with your dissatisfaction of the name and naming process.

Well Wonder was sold out. See posts above in this thread where someone else said they don’t name them until they are sold out. Up until now, I believe that has been the practice.

Not whining. Expressing an opinion as a few others have done on this thread. It’s not sour grapes as I think people posted names better than the one I suggested. You can ask me to stop posting, and I can ask you to simply scroll by and don’t read. There’s no need for censorship just because you disagree.

I was observing that maybe it was the practice but Co Cola 19 is still on the Buy tab and they’ve started the naming process. I just haven’t bothered to pay to much attention to when a horse was named and when they were sold out. This is the first time I’ve participated in OBS 2YO horses. My previous acquisitions were yearlings and there was no rush to get them named.

I would guess that neither MRH or Spendthrift (or any other actual co-owners) want to wait to run a horse that’s ready until all the micro-shares are sold out and the horse is named. I seem to recall reading someplace that if a horse isn’t completely sold prior to getting into the gate, the share sales are suspended for some period of time (I don’t remember the details of this).

I knew I read it somewhere recently… from the MRH FAQ

What happens when a horse races if it still has shares available for purchase?

If one of our horses is about to race and shares are still available, we’ll take the listing down at post time. Once the race is over, our team will review the race results and check in with the trainer to confirm that the horse came out of the race in good standing.

If we believe the initial offering is still a fair valuation, we’ll make shares available for purchase again at the same price point within a few days of the race. If our team determines that the race had a significant impact on the valuation of the horse, and as a result the initial share price no longer fairly represents the value of this offering, we will stop offering shares in that series. Management might look into offering the series at a new price. A new price would be subject to qualification by the SEC.

The horse has to have name to get into the starting gate.

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I liked Interstellar much more than Star Six Nine. MUCH better. At least it isn’t Starsixnine. Ugh.

At least Kanthari ended up with a decent name, though I’m kind of meh on that one too.

On to Co Cola! He’s probably going to end up with something like Flat Soda. :joy:

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Star Six Nine (formerly Wonder Upon a Star 19) is my first MRH horse, and I’ve really enjoyed the experience so far! I’m learning a lot, and the updates are fun to follow. I was surprised at all the hoopla surrounding the naming process, but with so many shareholders, I think it’s simply a case of not being able to please everyone. Star Six Nine was not my favorite, but I do think it’s a fun play on both the sire and the dam’s name (Dialed In x Wonder Upon a Star). I’m hoping this will blow over soon so we can all get back to focusing on the horse and not the name.