Another Way to buy itty bitty shares in a horse!

Out of curiosity, I looked up the Fasig Select 6 sale prices on the Fasig-Tipton/Saratoga site. I noticed that Hip 200, the Quality Road-Song of Bernadette colt, is listed as NOT SOLD ($685,000). Several other horses from that sale also have this designation. Could someone tell me why that is?

Thanks all for this thread. I looked into how MRH works, and I now own a couple of shares in a racehorse. Feels kind of surreal.

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I am not sure these will be ā€˜bundledā€™ as were the Future Stars from last yearā€™s KEESEP20 yearling sale.

But, a bonus of $2M (at least for the 3 I checked) if the horse wins the Derby or Oaks (depending on gender) and only the MRH shareholders are eligible for their share of the bonus (ie, not the partnership owners).

I donā€™t know but if I had to guess, $685,000 was the reserve price and not reached during the sale. He was valued at $550,000 with MRH owning 51% for $280,500. So, horse valued at less than the sale reserve. Do I know this is why the Not Sold? No, but my guess :slight_smile:

I think the $685K was the final bid. I was watching that sale and wasnā€™t surprised when the results were updated to RNA.
I have no idea if that bid was ā€œlive moneyā€ or not.

The final bid was from the auctioneer because the horse was bought back (RNAā€™d.) If the bid of $685,000 had been live money the horse would have sold.

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Thank you! :slight_smile:

Thanks for the explanation. So could it be assumed that after the sale, a buyer (possibly - but not necessarily - MRH) made a deal with the seller? And thatā€™s how eventually, Hip 200 became a part of MRHā€™s FTS6? TIA, horse racing is an interesting industry and Iā€™ve been enjoying this thread.

If you look at Song of Bernadette 20ā€™s offering page, the colt is now co-owned with Bridlewood Farm. Bridlewood Farm is also the breeder of this colt.

If I had to personally guess, $685,000 was more than MRH wanted to spend. I donā€™t quite understand the rules if someone buys a horse post-sale when the horse was an RNA. Iā€™d guess MRH was interested and when the colt RNAā€™d, contacted Bridlewood Farm to see what kind of deal could be worked out.

A valuation does has to be established for the Offering ($550,000). IMO, read all the fine print at least on the offering page. Tells you who the partners are, if any, how many shares, how much the horse was valued at, the per share expense breakdown including mortality (yes, they get it and yes, itā€™s been paid out at least once that I know of).

Oh, and check the Detailed Pedigree page to make sure the horse is Breederā€™s Cup nominated. Also see if the horse is PA or NY bred or any other state as some states have nice incentive programs for ā€˜locallyā€™ bred horses. Doesnā€™t necessarily mean the horse was conceived in that state, just that mom met resident requirements before foaling out in that state. Dad could be in KY.

I think this colt is nicely bred and maybe MRH didnā€™t think $685,000 nice :slight_smile:

Only thing that makes me twitchy with both Song of Bernadette 20 and Who runs the World is that no trainer has been supplied yet. I might change my mind on a horse if BB is a trainer :frowning:

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I indicated interest in half of them :joy: Hopefully they donā€™t all come up available at once, and I can stagger purchasing shares in each. That will have to be a long, patient wait on them to develop, too. Some of the FB groups are a little ridiculous on expectations on the young horses.

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Itā€™s not unusual for horses that are bought back during a sale to sell (usually quite quickly) back at the barn after they leave the ring. In most cases, those sales are handled through the sales company and marked in the results as a ā€œprivate saleā€ or PS. The price is usually lower than the one in the ring, although in rare instances, two people will hurry back to the barn and start bidding against each other and it may turn out to be higher.


Understatement of the year.


Iā€™ve developed the philosophy of indicating interest in all of them. I donā€™t have to buy but I have a better chance of buying :slight_smile: They will most likely become available fairly close to each other (time wise). Would hate to see you miss out because you didnā€™t indicate interest in a horse you did like.

So, I said all of them :blush: . I have my personal ā€˜picksā€™. Weā€™ll see what I can buy vs being sold out before they get to me (had that happen last year). Iā€™d rather have a chance to buy and not buy vs wanting to buy and canā€™t.

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Iā€™m already in love with the Into Mischief-Count To Eleven colt, because his name is brilliant:

Tufnel. :star_struck:

Hope MRH keeps it!


Great name. :grin:

A bit more info on the Fasig Select Six

Hypothetical question.

In looking at the FT Select Six, fairly obvious that Tufnel would go to Brad Cox as Brad Cox Colts is one of the owner-partners. These will be raced on the KY circuit.

The two that MRH owns outright (Essential Rose 20 and Balletic) are headed toward Pletcher who has a number of MRH horses in the pipeline (for lack of a better description). These will be raced on the NY circuit.

Hummmm, whatā€™s missingā€¦ the CA circuit. Song of Bernadette 20 and Who Runs The World, one colt and one filly. One owned in partnership with Spendthrift and one owned in partnership with Bridlewood (the breeder). So, maybe a bit more ā€˜umpfā€™ in the ownership department than MRH singly. Currently Mandella is the ā€˜bigā€™ CA trainer that MRH has horses with (yes, other CA trainers have MRH horses but Mandella is the, IMO, big name).

Why was Mandella not named outright? Or is some other ā€˜big name trainerā€™ waiting in the wings until after these two horses are sold out first? Some BNT with a reputation for producing horses ready for the KD/KOā€¦ hummm (same BNT with a reputation for burning young horses out early and questions about barn contaminations despite a very small barn size)?

Would you buy shares if you didnā€™t know who the trainer was going to be? Would you buy shares if you suspected it was going to be BB? Do you think there are enough MRH probably share buyers that would care?

The many thoughts going through my headā€¦

You stated what my thoughts are exactly.
While Iā€™d love to buy into most/all of them, I will NOT buy into a MRH without knowing who the trainer is expected to be.
I donā€™t want to have anything to do with anything running/training under BB at this time.

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Love Tunnel!!!

Baffert canā€™t run at Churchill, so there is thatā€¦

He may not be able to run in New York either. That remains to be seen.

Am I sticking up for BB? No.

We donā€™t know where BC 2023 will be held yet. Baffert runs primarily the SoCal circuit. He could ship to the winter Gulfstream circuit or many other tracks (Arkansas etc) if he needed to get points to get in the Derby gate without going to a NY track or Churchill.

Baffert could train these up to the Derby/Oaks if things arenā€™t settled down by May 2023. Unknown if any of these 6 attractive youngsters will pan out to even be a) sound and b) eligible for the KD gate (has the Oaks gate ever been full?)

One thing I have now really observed is how low the percentage is of 2YOs really making the racetrack in summerā€¦ most of the ones I am personally observed are maybe legging up at the track but most have not raced a single race yet. Some, layups for different reasonsā€¦ some because they are later maturing and may be well suited for the two turn races.

I know you arenā€™t a Baffert fan. :slightly_smiling_face: What Iā€™m saying is that he canā€™t run a horse in the Derby for 2 years. That may affect Bridlewood Farmā€™s choice of trainer.