Another Way to buy itty bitty shares in a horse!

If you didn’t Indicate Interest in any other of these yearlings, you’ll have to wait until the public access window opens later this week :slight_smile: Having said that, I suspect all of them, or at least most of them, will still have shares available.

I’m going to snag Who Runs the World on payday. I love Quality Road fillies, and out of a G2 winner? Decent black type on her page too.

I love Essential Rose 20, but 5 foals with only 2 to race makes me a little nervous.

Thank you for the replies! I found the email and my access begins Wednesday, and I didn’t indicate interest in Song of Bernadette like I thought I did. Will hopefully get shares of the other 3 I liked and then snag some of her on Thursday if they’re left.


I actually did indicate interest in nearly all of them! I figured it couldn’t hurt!

@Vivace1 That’s the one I was most leaning towards. Although I’m five bad days at work away from owning shares in all of them lol

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I have NO insider info… :slight_smile:

I would guess the one that may sell out earlier is Essential Rose 20 although there are more shares available of her (the ones 100% owned by MRH have usually 10,000 shares if the equity if .01% while the same .01% equity on a horse that MRH owns only 51% there are only like 5,100 shares (confused? :slight_smile: )).

I know that last year (before I was a MRH shareholder), I tried to get in on 2 of the 3 from FT and they were both gone when my Early Access window rolled around. But, I bought in on some of the yearlings from KEESEP20 and that moved my Early Access up but it is still in the order you Indicate Interest.

FWIW, Indicating Interest doesn’t mean you are committed to buy shares.

I was able to get in on the horses I was interested in :partying_face: And now the long wait begins for them to get to the track. For some, maybe up to 12 months from now (based on last year’s yearlings).


The people in Facebook groups that are throwing fits about the horses are making me roll my eyes. “Well, I bought into this many horses and they haven’t started or are injured!” Well yeah, it sucks, but that’s horse racing. MRH makes no promises about any kind of investment return. It’s a risk.


Which is why I am avoiding any of the MRH FB groups… I don’t need that level of drama in my life :rofl:

They bought into the MRH ‘glamour’ of owning a racehorse… I mean… Authentic or Monomoy Girl (if you listen to the ads). They don’t realize that Authentic is a very small % of horses that were born the same year he was. And Monomoy Girl… she has such a well known name but really not much racing after MRH got in on the one year lease.

Wouldn’t we all like to buy in on a KD or BC winner??? Sure! Will we, for most of us, time will tell and the odds are not in our favor but we can still hope :slight_smile:


I think of it like buying admission tickets to an amusement park. You’re paying for the possibility of having a great time. It doesn’t mean that you WILL have a great time or that all of the rides are what you want them to be. There’s a chance that something amazing will happen though.


I can only speak for me… you don’t want to know how many horses are in my stable :blush:

But, for me, I have already had a small “amazing” with Going to Vegas winning her first G1, the Rodeo Drive Stakes a few weeks ago and getting a BC Win and You’re In ticket :slight_smile: She probably compensated for all the others I have that have yet to win a race (had a few hit the board, but no wins).

Gotta take those amazing how and when they happen.


I have Going to Vegas too, so I’m right there with you, lol. I have 27 now because of Ancient Royalty dying, Monomoy Girl retiring, and Star Six Nine presumably retiring. I don’t want to say how far in the hole I am, but it’s still a dream come true on so many levels.

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Just bought into a few shares on some of them.
Might buy some more later LOL :woman_shrugging:

Since not all of “my” horses are not running yet or ever in the case of injury/medical, I forget how many I have until I look at the “my stable” tab on the MRH app.
Don’t look LOL. It’s never a good idea to know how many you have :laughing:

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I have two: Chasing Time, who had one moderately promising start, and Kanthari, who is recovering from an injury and who I don’t think will start this year. But I have enjoyed reading about them–the gate training was new to me and very interesting.

I look at it as part of my entertainment budget, not my retirement plan.

I think most, if not all, the people posting here are horse people who get it that horses can be heart-breaking and money-losing. I don’t Facebook, but I suspect that many of the FB people are not horse people.

Edited to add: a good friend and I did this together. She has Tap the Gavel, who looks like an absolute dud.


I currently have 3: Chasing Time, Star Six Nine, and Echo Warrior 19. Of the 3, Echo Warrior 19 had the early injury and now Star Six Nine is out. I told hubby (a non horse person but a long-suffering horse hubby lol) and his first words were “Yep, sounds about right!”

I was just happy that one out of the three made it to the track.!


These are the same three I first bought into. I told my SO when the news broke about Star Six Nine that it’s all part of being involved with horses. It’s not for anyone seeking instant gratification, that’s for sure.


I was very sad to read the news about Star Six Nine, because that’s a devastating diagnosis. I’d had my fingers crossed for EPM. Finding somewhere to move him on to is a much tougher go than a handsome but not a maybe especially interested in racing horse like Tap the Gavel.

I did buy into 3 of the Select Six - Song of Bernadette '20, Essential Rose '20, and Tufnel. Maybe I’ll end up with more than 2 starters by this time next year :joy:


I don’t know (I suspect none of us do) the severity of the problem or prognosis. I know I would never buy a horse with this diagnosis. I know what I think should be done but it would be a very unpopular decision for many. I know I would sleep at night not to worry about how he’s doing :cry:


I agree with this train of thought

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I had a horse who was diagnosed as a Wobbler at twelve. He was big (18h), and was getting dangerous even to handle from the ground. He was euthanized.

Agreed. I’m guessing that microshare owners less familiar with the potential hazards involved in trying to find a good home for a potentially unsound horse for the next 25 years would make that decision impossible?

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Some of them have already seized on the idea of surgery. $$$$$, especially for a horse with no racing record, and depending on the cause/location of the problem(s), it might not even be an option.

Shame because he seems like a good-natured sort.