Another Way to buy itty bitty shares in a horse!

I think this is literally the most transparent way of owning any kind of competition horse :rofl:


This is sounding pretty good. I am very tempted.

It is sort of why I play the lottery–I know I will probably never win, but I justify it because it is part of my entertainment budget–it is not my retirement plan.


We are here to help enable :slight_smile:

It shouldn’t be part of your retirement plan but it sure is fun!!

MRH has a number of horses in a range of share prices available from on the track to still a few months away
 (how am I doing??? :stuck_out_tongue: )

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What’s the general opinion here of the Upstart filly? She kind of seemed to be going through a late stage case of the uglies when her listing first went up, but I like the comments about her work at the sales and her consignor.
From the front view posted it’s hard to see if she’s a little offset or if that’s the hind legs making it look that way. The $450k price tag seems to indicate it’s the photo angle.

Yaya, the ownership details vary depending on the horse.

I bought a share of Monomoy Girl, who is already a very successful racehorse. She was sold after the Breeder’s Cup last year, and everyone expected her to be retired, but they decided to run her for one more year and did this offering. They won’t race her more than this year, hence my comment about it being one year and being like part of a fan club where I get ‘exclusive access’.

But the group’s other offerings, ie the young racehorses, have different setups where your one-time payment is good for the entire racing career, they describe them in detail before you make a purchase.

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Have we sucked you in yet??? :rofl:


I just need time to review the offerings and make a decision.


Looking forward to see what you settle on. (too bad no good devilish grin emoji)

What is fun is there is a range of share prices and, while you don’t have any say in who the trainer is, if there is a trainer you like or don’t, that could help sway a decision.

Just bought a share of Ari the Adventurer 19. Like the dam’s breeding.


I think that they should give ME a share, just for starting this thread, and enabling! :rofl:


Lemme know how that works out for you :rofl: :rofl:

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Congrats :tada:

Now have fun watching the updates and his progress on the track!

Good choice. Looks like his shares have been completely sold as he is no longer on the Buy page.

Congrats again!

ugh, you guys are such enablers. I have 2 shares of the Tapit colt now. I’m tickled to “own” a thoroughbred again LOL.

and now heavily debating grabbin a share of the Echo Warrior colt to have something on the local circuit to watch.


He’s only $58/share :stuck_out_tongue:

You need a local horse. I don’t recall but I think there are opportunities for MRH ‘owners’ to get into the winners circle. I’d contact MRH and ask
 I do know as MRH owner you aren’t really a ‘real’ owner with open access to the backstretch etc

That is why I bought one on the NY circuit, which is near where I live. If he ever gets to a race, I could go see it, on my dime.

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sigh. OK you win. I got a share of him. It helped that his damsire is Tiznow. I :heart: the Tiz horses


Has anyone bought into the Mrs Whistler filly?
Just got notice that they has listed her price & share percentage incorrectly.
So instead of owning 0.01 share, it is now 0.05 :grin:
I’ll take it LOL

Not quite correct.

Mrs. Whistler’s actual share price and percentage have always been $137 for .05%

What was incorrect was the email that MRH sent out about the current (they called them ‘new’) offerings. MRH fairly quickly sent out a second email about the ‘incorrect’ price. Incorrect in the email only :slight_smile: They can’t change the share price or percentage.

To answer your question, I bought share(s) in Mrs Whistler on May 13 and paid the above price (not the incorrect price in the email).

:woman_shrugging:t2:I could have sworn when I purchased my shares for her, it was listed as .01.

Not that it matters in the end :grin: