Anyone else sick of people trying to push their herbal remedies on them?

I don’t know about you all, but as a person with a chronic condition I have very well meaning people at various times trying to push their various “cures” on me. Now sure they mean well, at least I need to believe that, but if any of these things actually cured something it would be all over the news and I couldn’t have to go to some sad looking website you sent me a link for to find the “cure” for fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, and who knows what else you claim. I know, I know… it’s like the majikal black and white horses that fart butterflies… I have to beeelieve… but you know what? I don’t!

I believe in my doctor who has known me since 2000 when I moved to WNY. She has known me since I was completely and totally without a care in the world. She has seen me bouncing off the walls, full of life, able to bounce back from anything. She knows something is not right with me. She and the rest of my medical team (of which I am a very active part) will find what best works for me so that I can live my life to the fullest.

I also come HERE for support as well as another online forum suggested by CoTHers. I do NOT come here to get PM’s from folks peddling their snake oil. I tried to be civil and so I responded to the PM titled Fibromyalgia with “Well, bless your heart… I sure hope you’ve been on CoTH long enough to know what that is code for.” But, instead of taking the hint and letting it go they have to respond and when I respond back "Well, you can go sell you snake oil somewhere else. I don’t really appreciate being solicited on CoTH. " Now, here comes that I just love because I love when people pass judgement without knowing me…

Here it is, “I’m not selling anything, as I said in my first post-if you chose to remain ignorant of alternatives-then I will just feel sorry for your family-they have to listen to you whine. So sad in this day and age when people won’t even TRY to get better. Let me ask you this…if you were going to someone who did alternatives, and were sick for this long-wouldn’t you think they were a ‘quack’?? Then why on earth do you continue doing what you’re doing, when others ARE BEING HEALED WITH ALTERNATIVES-OPEN YOUR EYES, YOU MIGHT LEARN SOMETHING. SO VERY VERY SAD.”

I will not out this lovely member of the community, but I do think you are despicable for just sitting here and under the guise of not wanting the “drama” of posting on a thread you are PMing people and then insulting them when they ask you to not solicit them. I don’t have to justify my treatment methods to anyone, let alone some stranger on the internet. I do find it ironic that you chose to insult a reiki practioner though for not wanting to embrace alternative treatments though. I’m typing this as I sit on my infrared heating pad too. :yes:

Some of their Magic Herbs are very dangerous. I am very allergic to some of them and I too have had people who would force feed them to me. They will not take NO! for an answer. I know all the alternatives available. Most of them are dangerously toxic for a person with allergic reactions to many things.
"May I sue you after I have a reaction to the Magic Herbs and end up in the Hospital Emergency room and spend a week in the Intensive care? "

I agree with you and wish these people would stop their Hawking their wares to every one they can force them on.
I understand why you had to become hostile because these people will not stop if you tell them politely that you are not interested.
I had to threaten one with a lawsuit for Harassment if she did not leave me alone.
“Yes it is a Free country. I have the right to refuse to take the Magic Herbs you want to sell me. What is there about the word NO! you do not understand?”

You have my sympathies for what you have gone through.
Believe me I really do understand.
Kind regards, sadlmakr

Seems to me a mote to the Mods is in order. I believe that advertising even via PMs is a no-no. Harassment certainly is.

Yeah. Before my sister passed away of cancer, I had a few people try and tell me about this or that scam/fantasy/quackery/snake oil.

I was never nice. I’d inform them that if anyone actually had a cure for cancer, we’d all have known about it long ere this and to leave me the **** alone.

If I were you, I’d out the person. But at least report it to the Mods.

The joys of brain fog. I did remember to forward the PM to Mod1 after posting last night. Hopefully that handles this person. I looked at her profile and she has 1500 posts here. Certainly not a newbie. I guess I don’t appreciate being insulted like I choose to be sick for the attention.

To set the record straight I have no family to listen to me complain because they’re dead. My mom died of complications of small cell cancer October 16th. She lived 11 years and survived thru 6 or 7 separate cancers. If this poster had known anything about me she might have known why I appreciate science. Aside from that I also don’t complain much. I also got a lot more attention before I developed chronic health issues. Besides, if I also have a genetic connective tissue disorder (EDS) I don’t think all the magical fairy dust in the world is going to do much. I’d rather save my money and put a small hot tub in the back yard.

(please forgive typos. Typed on iPhone)

Ugh, it drives me nuts, too.

Now I don’t mind an occasional “You know, xyz really worked wonders for my [insert dysfunctional body part].” Even if xyz is really kooky, that’s okay, as long as you don’t insist it’s a miracle cure, and as long as you don’t pressure me to buy it.

Exactly. I love my infrared pad and it had done wonders for my morning stiffness in my hips. I have told plenty of folks about it in case it helps them too. I bought it for my back but it helps my hips and IT band the most. Who knew?

I have so many weird reactions that I have to stick with regular meds prescribed by my MD. If I showed up in the ER with a bottle of some funky herbs, I think my doctor would have my head! I am sure some people are aided by natural remedies, but they don’t work for me. Fortunately, I have not received any PMs suggesting I try secret snakeoil remedies.

I do have a FANTASTIC neck “pad” from Draper Therapies. It has the whole ceramic bringing heat to the area thing going on. I use it on my left hip/SI joint and it does relieve some of my pain. The best part is I got it for free with a purchase at last year’s NEDA Spring Symposium!

Invite, you also bring up a good point. My doctor’s office has it clearly posted in the office that failure to mention and disclose ALL medication and supplements to them can result in being asked to find another physician. I am also ridiculously sensitive to chemicals, food, the sun, light, etc. The odds of me taking some mystery supplement not regulated by the FDA and having good luck are not great. The odds of my PCP finishing me off if the magical herbs didn’t actually kill me is pretty high. We’ve known each other long enough for her to call a spade a spade and I can just hear the holy hell I would catch now. Not that I’m actually that stupid.

I understand how you feel. I posted on another board about my husband being a diabetic. It was a very good discussion concerning the disease and then I get a PM the next day from someone claiming a certain herbal remedy could cure his diabetes, and…they just happened to be a dealer for it. I wasn’t too nice either in my response.

I was solicited awhile back on this board for something entirely different. The Mod’s handled it and I never heard from the solicitor again.

I feel your pain… the majjical herbs and crap DONT HAVE TO LIST ALL INGREDIENTS on thier labels like drugs. MOST HERBS CAN HAVE SERIOUS/DANGEROUS REACTIONS WITH MEDS!!! Just so happens i won the freakin genetic lottery and all/most my issues are related to that im a medical mess been to hopspital/drs over 200 times in my 21 years.

I doo loofff my heated blanket really really helps with morning stiffness.

This is slightly ot but the fact us hospitals are not regulated by govenment scares me…

After breaking my back, split T-9 into four pieces, and broke the wings and split L-10. I have over a foot of titanium in my spine now, and I have limited range of motion.

The surgery was supposed to leave me partially unable to twist my torso, and have no pain.

I have random numb spots in my body from my breasts down. My right side is weak, I’m clumsy and the pain is horrendous. It feels like someone is trying to pull my ribs back from my sternum, peel the muscles off my back starting at my shoulders, holding a hot sword and using it to cut around my shoulder blades, and trying to stretch my spine apart.

Yeah, I wasn’t supposed to have pain, take a tylenol. I took so many tylenol, advil, aleve(I can’t take aleve since it’s a sodium and I have a bad heart, I swell up. 20 pounds in about half a day) Hot baths with epsom salts, chiropractic care, natural and herbal remedies along with acupuncture and every other day massages.

I finally found a doctor that would prescribe me some decent medications to help manage my pain so I can work the 7 days a week I work, go hiking, work out, ride my mountain bike, my horse and my motorcycle. I live a fairly normal life now with pain management with vicodin, flexoril and Gabapentin. It works. I don’t ask for stronger stuff. I use it as directed. I can actually live a somewhat comfortable and normal life now.

The stigma that is associated with pain management is rediculous. It really pisses me off. I’m not an addict. I do everything with the directions. I tried for 3 years to take care of myself without heavy pain medications. When people tell me I should try magnesium, epsom salt baths, blah blah blah… They don’t believe me when I say I’ve tried all of that. Then, they treat me different because they know I’m on a narcotic. I usually keep it to myself and tell it on a need to know basis.

My equitation is now a bit defensive as riding a hard trot is painful if I have to do sitting trot. Jumping isn’t so bad as long as the horse doesn’t go too deep and doesn’t chip.

Getting dumped doesn’t feel to good. My right arm went numb and I peed my pants as I traumatised my spine. I’m still recovering from that, it was in February. My Luna seems to know when it’s a rough day for me, and acts accordingly. I should never ride her until I am not emotionally upset. :smiley:

I understand how you feel. I posted on another board about my husband being a diabetic. It was a very good discussion concerning the disease and then I get a PM the next day from someone claiming a certain herbal remedy could cure his diabetes, and…they just happened to be a dealer for it. I wasn’t too nice either in my response.

I was solicited awhile back on this board for something entirely different. The Mod’s handled it and I never heard from the solicitor again.[/QUOTE]

I’m insulin resistant pre diabetic, controlled for years with a low carb diet.
I eat lots of veggies and lean protein but very little fruits starches or grains. Basically Adkins maintenance. This horrifies some people. “OMG you have to eat whole grains” No, i don’t. If I was gluten intolerant no one would say that. “You shouldn’t give up fruit” I eat plenty of plant material, just not sweet fruit (I do eat tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers, all actually fruit)or roots except onions.

Sometimes I wonder if ADM or the drug companies are passing out subsidies under the tale that I don’t know about

I can imagine who it was who is harassing you OP. I get tired of the lengthy posts that double as a sales pitch. I skip them every time.

[QUOTE=Jane Honda;6335002]

The stigma that is associated with pain management is rediculous. It really pisses me off. I’m not an addict. I do everything with the directions. I tried for 3 years to take care of myself without heavy pain medications. When people tell me I should try magnesium, epsom salt baths, blah blah blah… They don’t believe me when I say I’ve tried all of that. Then, they treat me different because they know I’m on a narcotic. I usually keep it to myself and tell it on a need to know basis.


I have arthritis and a friend recently got so mad that I’m on a medical regimen. She wanted me to do yoga, dance, massage, acupuncture, etc., oh, and some “amazing” herbs (because caring for an active teenager, farm and 6 horses gives me all of that extra time to do those things) - she shook her head in disgust when I told her that the meds have changed my life. It hurt when she did, like she was being judgmental. Guess what? Insurance doesn’t pay for those experiments, and every day that it doesn’t work is a day wasted from my life :(.

OP, I don’t know what your symptoms are, or your diagnosis, but, have you considered Lyme disease as a possibility?

Didn’t mean to derail your thread.

I’ve had to back away from a horse friend who’s company I really enjoyed until she crossed that bridge. She must have become more comfortable with me because suddenly EVERY post and conversation is forceful with VOO_DOO/Witchdoctor remedys…I was just stupid in the beginning and fell for one or two of them…UGH
Its like religion to me…have yours and I’ll have mine…DON"T force yours down my throat!!

It’s a tougher road to travel when you are Type II or as you say, pre-diabetic. My husband has been insulin dependent for several decades and it has resulted in heart and eye issues for him. There’s no doubt that diet can make a humongous difference in diabetes so I hope it continues to work in the positive for you. I was so disgusted when someone tried to literally force her herbal remedies on me. I don’t mind a little advice here and there but certain people seem to get hooked on herbals and go overboard with it, handing unwarranted advice to anyone who will lend an ear. I myself have tried a few herbal remedies with varying results and I have come to believe it’s a very individual thing as to whether they help or do nothing.

Regarding Lyme: I have been tested multiple times, all negative. I was treated with a 3 week course of antibiotics just in case.

Turns out I have “won” the rare disease lottery:
Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (genetic connective tissue disorder)
dysautonomia (POTS and neurocardiogenic syncope)
Mast Cell Activation Syndrome/Disorder
Tethered cord
Eagle Syndrome
Intercranial hypertension
Bilateral Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
Hypopneas/REM sleep disoder
Borderline craniocervical instability (1 degree short of surgical cut off)
Degenerative Disc Disease
Chronic Sacroiliac Dysfunction
Migraines, IBS, Fibro, Vit D and B12 deficient, and on and on and on

So, yeah… These are multiple rare conditions and Majik herbs aren’t gonna fix em. I continue to cultivate a medical team that is capable of putting Humpty Dumpty back together again and again though.

Lord a mercy. They are as cray-cray as the people I find on horse rescue forums who try and push their potions on everyone. There is nothing so annoying as a zealot. And I commend you, original poster for saying “bless your heart.” I might have had a different turn of phrase.

Thank goodness nobody tried that crapola on me when I broke my hip. It wouldn’t have been pretty, I tell you.

Anyway - best of luck and don’t take any crap from anyone!