Anyone else sick of people trying to push their herbal remedies on them?

That’s a horrible list, OP. Here I was hoping for a possible solution. Maybe stem cell treatment will be of help in the future.

My daughter had a milk allergy growing up and so many well meaning people will try to give her Lactaid, Lactaid cheese, Lactaid milk, etc. So I get it.

Wow, that is quite the list, must have taken a while to get all that determined. Reminds me of last year when my horse had hives, he was covered in large welts and everyone could see them. He sometimes gets them in spring with first cut hay especially with wet years-lots of weeds that only show up when we have more than usual rain fall totals. I had about 15 boarders tell me that it couldn’t be his feed and it is likely this, that or this other thing. I drove out of town to pick up a couple of bales of good quality timothy and within one feeding the hives were gone, and yes, people finally shut up about it.

I know I began to appear hostile to all of the boarders but I just got so tired of listening to people who knew nothing about my horse, know so much more than me.

I have been blessed w/ overall good health, though I have a multitude of dental issues. I happened to mention something one day to the person who teaches my pilates class; she went into a long speech about how you should never get a root canal, it can poison your body. All dentists are bad. Just sit it out, take some concoction of herbs and all will be well. This was not long after she had spent the first 10 minutes of class discussing some liver cleansing routine that she was going through, which included drinking epsom salts, olive oil and some other household things that was pretty much enough to make me want to head for the nearest paper bag. WAY too much info…

My theory has always been - if I ask for input, fine, I get whatever…If I’m asked for input, I give it. Otherwise I figure I’m there to be sympathetic, supportive, helpful in a practical manner. If I can’t do that, I keep my mouth shut!

It’s a tougher road to travel when you are Type II or as you say, pre-diabetic. My husband has been insulin dependent for several decades and it has resulted in heart and eye issues for him. There’s no doubt that diet can make a humongous difference in diabetes so I hope it continues to work in the positive for you. I was so disgusted when someone tried to literally force her herbal remedies on me. I don’t mind a little advice here and there but certain people seem to get hooked on herbals and go overboard with it, handing unwarranted advice to anyone who will lend an ear. I myself have tried a few herbal remedies with varying results and I have come to believe it’s a very individual thing as to whether they help or do nothing.[/QUOTE]

My husband is fifty-four, Type I diabetic. Once he hit forty when we would give medical history about half the time it was assumed he had type II and I have actually had several nurses and one doctor make a comment about how he needed to watch his diet and exercise and it would be under control. When the doctor did that I about lost it!

He has surgery last month and they actually came out of the operating room to get his insulin, said it would take thirty minutes to get it from the pharmacy in the hospital. Finally, a thinking doctor and team.

Why is it no one doing “herbal” wants to admit that herbs are chemicals also? Have they never taken even a single biology or chemistry course?

sorry, but with all the things I have wrong, I have no patience for people who try to lecture me. Sorry, been there, done that. Go away is my feeling.

Yeah. Herbs affect the body chemically too. If its natural it must be good, right?
eye roll
Taking herbs or ANY medication from another source without disclosing it to my PCP is grounds for being told to find another provider. With my issues the LAST thing I want to do is start over with another primary dr. Besides, mine is amazing so why would I risk that? If I didnt leave the ER after waiting 10 hours to be seen so I wouldn’t be leaving against medical advice after being told to go by PCP I’m sure not taking unregulated herbs.

The block function here prevents PMs from undesirables

At least your junior herbalist is here. Mine is a family member who ‘knows’ every ‘cure’ in the book and becomes argumentative when I tell her I HAVE tried them and they do NOT work for me and my situation.

My former therapist worked to get me to try her fibromyalgia cure. I found it a wee bit unprofessional for me to pay for HER agenda during my counseling.

Guess what? Insurance doesn’t pay for those experiments, and every day that it doesn’t work is a day wasted from my life :(.[/QUOTE]

This this this! It took a long time, but I am finally functional because of drugs. I was passed around from doctor to doctor to doctor until i found my specialists. It was rough. NOBODY knew what was wrong with me.
I had one guy tell me the pain from my severe nerve damage was all in my head and there-there-all-you-need-is-some-woo. I walked out. @$$hole.
So, now the State makes me jump through hoops to get pain relief because I might be a dealer or a junkie - stuff like 24 hour notice to take a drug test and random pill counts. “If you aren’t depressed enough as is, we will treat you like an addict!” Pain management in this country is a joke.

Oh and didn’t you know that you’re supposed to change your diet? That eating paleo or raw or blah blah blah will cure you? You just need XYZ supplemented in your diet.

Think positive! Try harder! All you need is love!

Ya, uh huh.

And excercise more! Oh and stretching will cure everything.

Yes, it does help to a point, but it also hurts. Funny thing, if I sit on the couch with a drink, I don’t hurt!

The worst thing about personal trainers is that they are fitness nuts. I hate it when someone subs at the gym, you give them the quick run down of boken parts so they don’t kill you, and they offer the miracle exercise. Thanks, but really, I’m as good as I’m going to get.

Don’t forget to drink acai and pomegranate juice. It cures everything from depression to malaria, don’t ya know!

Or Mucinex… it cures everything if it doesn’t make you dog sick like it did to me.

If someone tells me about lets say Rosemary etc helping I do intensive research.
But to say it is a cure um no thanks.

They can help but too much can harm!

My husband suffers from severe PTSD and Bipolar. We have been told by several people we should try everything from massive doses of B vitamins, to toxic cleanses, to special “shakes” that will cure him.


Sort of like the people who tell Ehlers Danlos peeps to take collagen. Ummm… I have collagen. It’s just defective. Even if my body did absorbit somehow it’d just be defective too.

I’m sorry PM. Not nice. I got sucked in a couple of years ago with the horses. One of the woman peddling these things is a cancer survivor. She chose medical treatment instead of herbal stuff but claims the herbs made her better quicker. Then little things she would do with her horses didn’t add up. It’s a vet that does the most peddaling but his assistant is just wicked. Case in point when his horse was diagnosed with ulcers he went on gastro gard with the magic stomach cure herbs. But with gastro gard. I listened all summer to how the magic herbs cure ulcers and how by running your finger across their stomach you could diagnose ulcers. Yet amazingly diagnostics were used on vets horse. Lots and lots of these stories but too long and boring. I bought 2 liver pots and let this stupid woman fiddle with my horses. My fault I know. I lost all patience when she was showing me how to stretch one and made a complete mess of it and mare was lame after for a week. I can’t deal with their crap at all anymore. I did tell vet maybe he needs to be careful in letting someone with no qualifications “treating” horses because she does, but no I’m bad guy.

Anyway, I’m sorry and hope you feel better. I use different things like raspberry leaves and milk thistle occasionally but because I have seen results with things and because I choose them not because I am led to believe in cure all. Oh and the one time this woman tried to sell me herbs and I said i was worried about an allergic reaction she said, “it’s natural, no one is allergic”. I knew then this is very wrong.


I said i was worried about an allergic reaction she said, “it’s natural, no one is allergic”.


Bees are natural too. :smiley:

As are peanuts.

…ragweed, pollen, dust mites…shell fish…lol.