Approving a TB mare and then breeding her to an approved tb stallion.... is that the only way to purpose breed tb x tb, and is it even possible? Which registries please?

As it says.
I want to breed a tb mare to a tb stallion and be able to register it.
Jockey club insists on live cover… so I wondered if my thoughts were a work around.


The North American Studbook will register the foal.

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Edited to add: I see that you’ve posted lots about breeding in the past, so apologies if my reply is a bit basic.

What do you want to do with the mare?

If you want to race the offspring then you need to follow the rules to register the foal in jockey club. There is no process to get a TB mare “approved.”

TB is like QH and most other lineage based breed registries, there is no approval just send in the parents papers. This is very different from the WB world which requires various approval processes.

If you have an OTTB mare, she is already registered but many OTTB lose their papers along the resale route. You would need to look at her tattoo and see if you can track down her papers. If she was never registered and you don’t know her breeding, you are out of luck.

Do you want the offspring for a sport horse or race horse? If sport horse, the big track stallion owners may not be interested, because their book is full of race mares who will be a better investment.

If you are thinking race horse but have zero experience they may also not be interested.

There are very few quality TB stallions standing stud in the sport horse community which is why the typical cross is OTTB mare x WB stallion (or draft stallion).

Edited to add, the information about the North American studbook may be more useful, but my question still stands: what’s your goal?

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Hi sorry I wasn’t clear. I want to make a 4 foot hunter TB. I have a stallion in mind. I have a mare. She is ottb and not for racing anymore.
I’ve been told JC was looking into having a sport division but that didn’t happen.
The mare will use AI.
The stallion ships semen to non JC mares , which is basically how I’d want it to happen… but I’d like the foal registrable somehow because in my perfect world this horse will be a Rockstar and stay a stallion lol

Hi that’s good news. So to clarify they will register a tb foal born to NOT race… out of a tb mare and by a tb stallion using shipped semen?

Jc will not


The Jockey Club does not have a sport registry, and only accepts live cover.

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Right. Which is why I’m trying to figure a workaround for a non racing registered offspring of 2x tbs. I don’t care if it’s registered Mongolian yak, as long as it is registered something

Ah. I do not think there is such a registry.

Edit: a quick google says maybe AES? Or anything performance based. If you’re in the US though, people aren’t going to care about the papers all that much. A good horse is a good horse, and if you’re winning ribbons it doesn’t matter really. You’ll take a hit on sale price until it’s proven in its record, but that’s about it. The US doesn’t value breeding as much as other countries.

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Then mare and stallion should be in a different approved registry

There are TB sport stallions available as they are habitually used to improve athletic ability in the warmbloods. If you look in lists of approved WB stallions there will always be a few approved TB, identified by the XX after their name. The Hanoverian state stud at Celle currently has about 10 or so. If you get your mare approved into a WB stud book for breeding, you should be able to find a stallion and register the offspring as a WB.

Technically, I don’t think there is anything to stop you entering a non-TB in a JC race. I could well be wrong! The assumption is that all other breeds are just left standing by the TBs. The French have a category of AQPS (other than pure blood) which are prominent in jump racing.

@imajacres I was writing this when you added more info. The AES studbook registers many breeds as it is performance focused (Anglo-European Studbook).

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Ok I’m really not as clear as I thought.

I realise it wont be registered a tb.

That’s why I’m wondering if I can get the tb mare in any registry… then since the stallion is jC, and will be approved in some registry soon… can my offspring from these two animals get registered somehow in some registry?

Possiby ISR or AWB.

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Super. I don’t want this offspring to race. It needs nothing to do with JC.
Im not sure Hannover ( example) woukd accept a 100% blood tb out of a hanno approved tb mare, and by a hanno approved tb stallion

But I’m happy to be wrong!

Well you see… my super horse become a breeding stallion if worthy and a boy :slight_smile:
So I need him registered somehow for his hypothetical breeding career

Because it’s already going to b a hard enough slog with him being a tb, so the mare owners will want to at least register their offspring something?

It’s a weird situation because the few tb stallions used in hunter breeding are JC so in effect are registered…


Umm. Well, Micheal Jungs great event horse Sam was by a TB stallion out of mare by a TB and it was registered as a WB. I think it is possible to have a 100% TB registered WB.

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I thought hunters don’t really care. A lovely 4 foot hunter phenom is probably the hardest part. No matter the breed.


Of course there is. The conditions of the race.

For example, here’s the Turf Paradise condition book. There are all sorts of restrictions on what can be entered in any specific race. Since they run QH, breed is stated. For other tracks that only run TB, it’s assumed. You still wouldn’t be able to register a non JC horse in a race. The racing office has to have the papers in hand (now, digital certificate assigned) before they’ll enter the horse.


I know eh? But I believe go big or stay home so I want to try.
Worst case we get a very nice gelding or mare, and that’s not shabby either

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Hey listen. Nothing wrong with getting all your ducks in a row before going for the prize.