Arena Drags

Any suggestions on Arena Drags for sand arenas?

The drag I have now works ok, but does not move the sand to low spots, and it requires brute strength to flip it over to move it to the arena and back to storage.

I’ve been eyeing an ABI Arena Rascal for behind my ATV but I find the total lack of prices and requirement to work through a dealer infuriating. I can’t even find out how much they are.

I’ve discovered the EZ Groomer so I’ve been researching those as well. Prices listed on their website, looks like an interesting model.

I have the DragNFly. It was also a bit frustrating in terms of price, how to use, what parts I needed, etc.

It’s pretty good except that it doesn’t have any mechanism for leveling arena sand. Apparently you have to order the pro model to get that, which is $$$$$.

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I bought an EZ groomer last year. I did an 8-footer (I believe) and had them mount a ball (rather than 3-point) for the hitch so I can just hook it up to my pickup. I did have to get a drop ball for my pickup (F-350) but it works great.

I don’t have an ATV, so that’s why I use my pickup!

They were really good to work with. I think I called them 3 years in a row for a quote before I finally ordered one last year! One piece arrived bent from the shipper but they sent out a replacement part, no questions asked.

Works really well.

I just dug my arena for the first time last week after winter. There was pretty big ruts in the center from where the water runs with the spring snow melt. I go over it extra times the first time I dig it, but it levels out pretty darn good and looks great.

I have a 6 year old EZ Groomer. I found them incredibly difficult to work with to get parts. This last time, when I needed to order the bearings for the roller, I called and left messages and never received a return call. Over 6 years, I have had to replace nearly everything on it. I couldn’t ride much in winter, so it did not get very hard use.

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My system isn’t fancy, but it seems to work just fine. It’s a spike toothed harrow, on the three point hitch on the 30 hp tractor. So I can pick it up and carry it around. Not expensive. I use it for the arena footing, and for the pastures to spread manure.

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Bite the bullet and call. My experience is they are not pushy at all. They will ask you what your going to pull it with, maybe give you a few options, you probably won’t hear from them again unless you contact them. I’ve purchased and used several of their items, all highly recommended.

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Call who?

Call ABI.

I have an EZ Groomer. So far it has worked well, however it was dormant over the last few months because the weather has flooded my arena. They are somewhat local to me, so I can go to the business if I need parts. I also have a Handozer, which I use in for quick drags. I’ve had it for 10 years and have replaced the tines once.

What I’ve been using now for 4 years is my tractor bucket. Set it perfectly flat and start at one end and go to the other. It’s make beautiful footing and only takes few minutes. Crazy I know but true.

Disagree 100% with the idea they are not pushy. I had to tell the guy off to get him to stop calling.

I had the same experience when I called about a spreader. They kept telling me I had to buy by X date to get special pricing, then kept calling and calling and calling.

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Yup, it was the spreader sales guy that made me say “nope, never again.”

I’ve had a Racal Pro for about 8 years. Buying experience was easy and good. Drag works great. I have a granite sand arena, and actually just use the profile blade and comb (no teeth, don’t need it). My arena is level after all these years. I pull it with a JD compact tractor and a 3 point hitch. Wouldn’t change a thing.

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I have the same set up. I love the profiler blade- depth stays even. I found ABI to be very easy and helpful.

We have ABI manure spreader and TR3 rake and are happy with their products, but yes, their salesmen are INSUFFERABLE!

You have to decide if you want their products and grit your teeth and put up with those arrogant idiots, can’t believe any company let such represent them, or go look somewhere else for what you need.

Their products are overpriced for what the competitors offers, but they are also that much better.
If you don’t want to pay so much and don’t need better and want reasonable polite and professional customer service, go look somewhere else.

I wonder how many customers they lose because customers have to put up with such rude unfriendly salesmen.

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I eliminated ABI from consideration for any purchases right away, based on the sales calls. There seems to be no way to shut their salesman Mike Reum off. ABI has no idea that horse farm people are not sitting behind a desk all day just waiting for their recurring sales pitch calls.

I bought Drag’nFly and have been pleased with it for my sand arena. I bought it from my local John Deere dealership, and the one time I had a problem, they sent a technician out the next day and replaced a basket roller bearing at no charge.

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That is the exact salesman that I had to tell off to get him to quit bothering me.

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I have a Parma Groomer I got from Cool Horse. It works just like the ABI, but cost half as much. I love it.