Arthritic Riders - What helps you?

I had a knee acting up badly about 15 years ago.
My regular Dr, not a specialist, injected it.
The injection didn’t hurt at all, then or later.
I don’t know what he used, but it resolved and never again has given trouble.

No telling what was really going on in there, or if the shot was what healed it.
I can say, if your Dr seems to think it is prudent to inject, why not try it?

I see a rheumatologist and I get injections/two every 3 months. It does seem to help but doesn’t last the full 3 months. Depending on the severity or type they have other treatments that can help someone suffering from debilitating arthritis. I believe mine is a steroid. See a specialist can be helpful. A family doctor can only do so much.

I get some relief with turmeric. This one was recommended by my doctor. I’ve also tried others, but come back to this one.

I also find I feel a little better overall with turmeric tea. Not the best tasting, but it kind of grows on you! This one worked and was the best price at in the larger packs.

It doesn’t replace anti inflammatories, but it seems to help.

@CFFarm I Like turmeric, have to see how many recipes I can sneak it into…

I take it in capsules.

Alcohol and stubbornness


So who can we talk into being the guinea pig for pentosan on humans?


I second Tumeric. I use it a lot for cooking and was amazed that I can move a lot better then before.

Man, I so totally would, but since my arthritis abuts my spinal column, I’m gonna pass. :wink:

I use all aforementioned topicals, plus BioFreeze for almost instant relief. I also take #1 Celebrex pill on a daily basis 200mg iirc.

A couple of weeks ago, I had a cortisome injection in the right hip, which came with a scolding about pushing a loaded wheelbarrow through the mud. Yesterday, I had an HA injection in my right knee.

I don’t believe in unnecessary pain. :disgust:

I LOVE the smell of Bigeloil but, after I use it, it makes me feel like I’m Freezing!!

I also want to add that what really helps my arthritis the most is Pilates. Even more than pain relievers. It seems counterintuitive because no one wants to move when they’re hurting. Yet, it is amazingly therapeutic.


It is alcohol based, that’s why.

Decades ago, we didn’t have many options and that was a good one for a brace.

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Knee brace wiil help as your muscles won’t have to work as hard and they support the joint. P.T. is important just make sure your P.T. is experienced as the under 25 yr old often do not get it. A good P.T. will help you build muscles to support the joint go and do be assertive. Be as picky as you would be choosing a trainer(horse).

Be careful with the NSAID and those gels are NSAIDS. New research shows they may do a lot of damage, look it up Cockrane report or NIH. NOT web MD. If its a .com URL don’t trust anything , you want .gov or ,org. or .edu.

Also the stirups you use and where they are placed is important. I change my stirrup length when I ride for long and do the same driving my car with, moving my seat closer and then away . Keeping your knee in one postion is painful so change it when you can and let your legs hang off stirrup for the stretch, yep may hurt short term but less when you hit your bed that night.

Does tumeric tea stain your teeth?

More good advice!

I may look for the turmeric capsules. What’s one more pill. :rolleyes:
I’ve worn a brace when I had a diagnosed torn meniscus & it helped, but got in the way.
I have resorted to polo-wrapping myself on occasion (when I cannot find the ancient Ace bandage) - also helpful, but bulky.

Sigh… I am aware NSAIDS are toxic to liver & kidneys & get tested monthly due to an RX I am on now.
So far, so good, but I would like to avoid another prescription drug as I (foolishly) did not opt for Med D.

@Roo - Pilates interests me & there is a center not far from home.
I used to do yoga & that helped with overall limberness & energy levels, but that was before knees were effed-up.

Great question! Hasn’t so far, but I do keep that in mind. I think a little water afterwards does the trick.

Diet changes for me. My joint pain was a symptom of autoimmune issues, but eliminating certain things from my diet has helped immensely. I went gluten free first, at the advice of a friend, and my overall joint pain (hands, wrists, shoulders, hips, knees) was gone 48 hours later. Still had some minor swelling in fingers/wrists but that was gone within a week. Always the skeptic, I thought maybe it could just be a coincidence… but then about a month into being gluten free I accidentally ate something with gluten and had joint pain the next two days after, then gone again.

My Rheumatologist also recommended eliminating most foods in the night shade family (white potatoes, eggplant, tomatoes, peppers, tomatillos, and goji berries), corn, white rice, and dairy as all of these are inflammatory. We compromised a bit as I was not willing to give up everything at once, so I do not eat gluten, corn, potatoes, white rice, etc. but do allow myself limited non-fat dairy (cheese & yogurt mostly) and tomatoes/peppers occasionally. And I did cheat a few weeks ago and had some home made popcorn without issue… :slight_smile:

I told a friend about my experience a few months ago and she decided to cut out gluten and dairy, as she suffers from terrible lower back pain due to an injury. She called me about 2-3 weeks in and said that she was about 90% pain free! She also added a home made turmeric tea, but I have not tried that yet.

Anyway, might be worth evaluating your diet in addition to some of the other suggestions.


Chiming in late here, but Voltaren really helps my ankle. Before that, nothing much would touch it except prescription NSAIDs like Daypro. Which worked great but was not all that kind to my gut and was a giant pill. I don’t really have any problems with Voltaren, but for such a small area, I have to use less than the prescribed dose just because it’s too much cream for that area. For the knee, you probably would use the full amount.

promise … :winkgrin:

just kidding - I’m sorry you’re struggling with this exhausting uncomfortableness - hope some of the suggestions work wonders for you ~
ZZ & z-gang

For those who’d like to try turmeric…

I didn’t have any luck with turmeric straight up, but this stuff DID make a difference:

It’s got a whole bunch of natural anti-inflammatory things in it.

They make a night time version, too, with valerian.