

Might or might not be true. It’s Fox. What’s the “new think tank” doing the research?

When I Google this, the “newly formed think tank” has no hits except for Murdochland Fox etc. The think tank has no public profile. It’s Murdochland, we know they just make stuff up.

What’s interesting is why the far right wants to take down the SPCA.


It’s Longer but says the same thing.

This is something of which I’ve long been aware. Delighted to see it on major news sources ,even if one of them is Fox.


Ah ok that totally makes sense. ASPCA is a seperate lobby or publicity group unconnected to the actual SPCA shelter system. And with questionable accountability. CBS story from 2021.

Fox story from April 2023. Repeats CBS story from two years earlier with fake think tank as source and leaves out key detail this is not the actual SPCA.


The ASPCA is the one most visible and the one nationwide everybody seems to assume is supposed to be helping animals with the donations given.


What, in your opinion is “the actual SPCA”?

There are lots of organizations that use the initials “SPCA”, with varying structures and funding mechanisms.
For instance, just around here, the “Fauquier SPCA” is the Fauquier County Animal Shelter and get a lot, if not most, of its funding from the county government.
SPCA of Northern Virginia", on the other hand, has no association with any government organization, and is volunteer led, and wholly dependent on donations.

And there are many volunteer led “rescue” organizations (especially breed specific rescues) which do not have “SPCA” in their name, but are also non-profit volunteer run.

It has been well known for decades that the ASPCA is primarily a lobbying organization, and has little “hands on” involvement with actual animals.


Ditto for PETA which has made Ingrid fabulously wealthy.


The ASPCA animal cops division was disbanded years ago, so they can’t even cite anyone. That’s from watching the Animal Planet show Animal Cops/Animal precinct series years ago.

One of the enforcement officers retired, and talked to the press about the abuses he saw in the organization.


How familiar are you with non profit associations? This seems very normal.

About half of their non-management budget is spent on lobbying and outreach, and the other half on stakeholder support initiatives.

I too am curious why the ASPCA is being targeted.

ETA—Here’s their policy agenda for anyone interested:

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Your post makes me wish there was a negative :heart:


SPCA is a general anacronym first coined in the early19th century in England for a horses welfare group. It is used generally for animal welfare groups with no alliance to each other

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Why? I am genuinely confused. Their policy agenda is pretty good. Particularly their initiative to end the export of horses for slaughter. (I may send them a donation if they get that done!)

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I always donate to my local brick and mortar shelter where I know the money is going to support the animals.


The ASPCA heavily lobbies against no-kill shelters, which cities like San Francisco have proven to be extremely successful . The whole organization is sick.


The next five year Farm BIll is being negotiated and ASPCA is trying to get their anti horse slaughter legislation included. It’s called the SAFE act. There’s some money out there lobbying against them obviously. Probably associated with big kill buyers. The more you know….

Here’s some info on the bill.


Ok. That makes sense. There needed to be some current political reason for the Murdoch Empire to bring up old news in a misleading but not untrue way, with a fake think tank that’s going to be lobbying. It’s about the farm bill in progress.

The point of the 2 year old CBS article is that the ASPSCA is not the umbrella or parent or funding body of the various local or regional SPCA groups that run shelters. The ASPSCA is more a lobbying and educational organization that doesn’t fund actual shelters. That’s fine, but apparently many donors don’t know this?

I was just curious why this factoid hit the rightwing media sphere now, but it sounds like it’s got a connection to a political agenda, they want to discredit their stance on horse slaughter and perhaps there are other stances about farm conditions the Far Right wants to discredit?


Oh absolutely. Their farm bill agenda is online too, there are certainly some big ag interests that oppose the ASPCA. Makes sense now.

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I heard of their hoarding many years ago…stopped donating. I give to local shelters directly.


really? Do you want to edit your jump to conclusion?

Oh I commented on the CBS link fom two years ago. It’s old news but apparently made relevant by the farm bill, and the think tank.cited doesn’t exist.

So I was right to be suspicious there was political motivation here, and that while the story isn’t technically false, it’s misleading and may have false attribution.