just wanted to add my 0.02, I have a blue heeler X german shorthair pointer, he is almost 9 now and until he got sick and had to be put on meds he has always been:
energetic, needs playtime, a tired heeler is a good heeler, his job has been walks and playing with the tennis ball, he would bark at the ball if he missed it and would jump 3+ feet in the air to catch it
loves our horses, he has been around horses since puppyhood going to the barn with us and learning the expectations, only once did he nip, and it was as and adult and he learned that was a big no no, he does like to lay in the ring and watch and likes to go on trails with us and sometimes trot next to us in the ring thinking he is “working”, not chasing or nipping just trotting next to us
he is an indoor dog that lives with a cat, and visits family with us and has never hurt any of their cats, he might chase a new one that runs, but he always calls off and then ignores them the rest of the time, outside cats he is more interested in but has never hurt one
we use to have chickens and he would try to play with them, and we had a young rooster that would attack our dog and the dog thought it was a game and never hurt the chickens, but a few did loose some feathers…
with visting cousins and kids he has always been great, we taught him as a puppy if someone says oww to back away, when he steps on your bare feet, it hurts and he would need supervision with the younger ones due to eargerness in playing witht he ball, but I feel all young kids should be watched with kids, we did live in an apartment with some small kids that would run up to him and almost tackle him and he just looked at them like really
yes he does bark, he feels his job is to protect his people and barks at anyone that comes to the door, or your car, or that passes by, he also watches new people but has never been aggressive, but as a puppy he went everywhere with us and met lots of new people all the time, he also likes to be able to see his family at all times and when we are at seperate areas of the house he puts himself in the middle so that he can keep and eye on both of us
overall a great breed, but not for everyone