Just curious. Had he already been named to the Olympic team by June 26th when he flunked the drug test?
Obviously, he should not have been doing cocaine either way, but it was even worse if he already knew he was on the team by then.
Just curious. Had he already been named to the Olympic team by June 26th when he flunked the drug test?
Obviously, he should not have been doing cocaine either way, but it was even worse if he already knew he was on the team by then.
Even if he did coke before he was named, once he was named he should have declined, since he knew he had done coke.
Or even better, if you want to continue doing coke and you know you are being considered, simply as them to remove your name from the consideration list.
He was probably to out of it to remember he did it until the test came back.
Or he guzzled green tea before the test hoping that would help
So does anyone know the date they named their Olympic team?
I found this article dated June 30th.
So he was named to the team only four days after being tested, he should have suspected he would test positive and withdrawn from consideration. Very selfish of him.
WADA rules are not just applicable to the Olympics.
Athletes competing in upper level circumstance are subject to WADA rules at all events and in some circumstance outside the event.
But it only affects other athletes when a rider is part of a team, such as this unfortunate incident with the Australian Olympic team. Or the unfortunate incident with the Canadian rider who tested positive for something a couple of years ago following a team qualifying competition, which resulted in the Canadian team losing its berth at the Olympics this year.
From the timing it sounds like it may have been his birthday party. All the usual remorseful stuff floating around the web. I’m almost expecting him to say ‘the first time I tried it,’ or ‘I did not inhale’, At least he has the sense to go quiet and shut down his SM.
Australia Showjumping has banned him for four years; it is appealable. I’ve done some sleuthing…what a disaster.
Napa is to be shipped home immediately from Tokyo. The notion of adding another alternate is being tossed around. Todd Hinde, the new Chef d’Equipe, is former manager of Yandoo Park, Kermond’s training facility. Stephen Lamb, who was Chef for 13 years, has lauded Jamie and his wife for years, as well as having his feed company sponsor them. It is unclear, from my sleuthing, if as a member of the selection committee, he refrained from voting in Jamie.
Great, so he can be back in time for the next Olympics?
Although actually I guess that’s not the case due to the jacked up Olympic schedule this year because of the pandemic.
Well, he’s a real winner, that we know
It seems stupid-- from the most nationalistic point of view possible-- to force someone to expatriate an intact horse that even got to the Olympics.
Can someone who has withdrawn as alternate be re-named to the team?
During the last WEG, I sat behind a bunch of Australians who took cheering for their team to a new level. Rowan and Blue Movie practically had the group in heart failure each time they cleared a fence. Incredible mare. I hope something works out for her, Rowan, and the Australian team.
From the timing it sounds like it may have been his birthday party. All the usual remorseful stuff floating around the web. I’m almost expecting him to say ‘the first time I tried it,’ or ‘I did not inhale’, At least he has the sense to go quiet and shut down his SM.
Australia Showjumping has banned him for four years; it is appealable. I’ve done some sleuthing…what a disaster.
Napa is to be shipped home immediately from Tokyo. The notion of adding another alternate is being tossed around. Todd Hinde, the new Chef d’Equipe, is former manager of Yandoo Park, Kermond’s training facility. Stephen Lamb, who was Chef for 13 years, has lauded Jamie and his wife for years, as well as having his feed company sponsor them. It is unclear, from my sleuthing, if as a member of the selection committee, he refrained from voting in Jamie.
Any more dirt from your sleuthing? lol
Can someone who has withdrawn as alternate be re-named to the team?
I’m think the problem is whether there is enough time for the horse to be in quarantine. I don’t know if that window has closed yet, but I think its probably too late since the announcement says Australia’s show jumping team is out of the Olympics.
Any more dirt from your sleuthing? lol
I’m waiting for his clean up crew to speak up. I’ll let ya know!
Ah you are correct. I misinterpreted a previous post. But it does follow for FEI Ranked riders. Removing yourself from nations cup WEG etc. consideration because of forbidden substance use could have ripple effect a year or two forward.
Removing yourself from nations cup WEG etc. consideration because of forbidden substance use could have ripple effect a year or two forward.
You’re right, I didn’t think of that. Its a shame there isn’t a provision whereby those who are competing as individuals could band together into one or more generic teams and compete together. Don’t they do something like that in the Young Rider championships?