Our son got a fuzzy rat (eyes barely open, still on milk). He over estimated the girth of his snake. The baby rat was too big. The lady at the pet store purposely gave him the runt because she said it wouldn’t make it anyway (he was smaller than his littermates and his hips were a bit bony). When we got home and looked at the snake, we saw the rat was too big. So, of course, being a fan of rats, I got the KMR out.
I don’t know if the baby will make it. I got him yesterday and he’s eating with vigor, so there’s hope. His little hips are less prominent now. His eyes are barely open, so he might be ready to try yogurt or banana soon.
Many young rats have upper respiratory infections. If he sneezes a lot, I might be able to talk our vet into selling us a tiny amount of Baytril. I have a scale for the dosage.
Anyway, there are some hurdles, but here is the baby rat. Name ideas are appreciated. We thought Simon, but not sure.
And we really need to get the snake on frozen!