Hi all,
I’m not really sure what I’m looking for, however I’m hoping someone has some wise words or advice that can help me out.
several years ago, I was involved in a pretty serious car accident - was t-boned by a kid not paying attention and driving highway speeds on a back road.
I sustained herniations at L3, L4, L5, S1 as well as in my neck. I have spent a small fortune on physical therapy, chiro, massage, acupuncture, laser treatment, tissue release therapy as well as seeing an osteopath and nothing has helped.
I am currently on a fairly heavy painkiller daily, however the majority of my issues stem from the fact that my SI joint is basically immobile, and I have major nerve damage to my right leg and hand. The nerve damage causes my right hand to be basally dead, and my right leg often has mind of it’s own. Out of the tack, I am prone to tripping and dropping things and I struggle to hold a pen to write, among other things.
This has seriously, seriously impacted my riding. To the point where my horse is becoming unhappy and so am I. This has flared up horribly in the last year and I have watched my riding ability go down the drain. I am stiff, I can’t sit to the trot or canter anymore, and my poor horse suffers from my inability to do anything with my right hand except have it sit there.
I love riding. It makes me very happy. However it is a source of agony lately as I am regressing and there isn’t much that I feel I can do. I do yoga each night, as well as stretching to try and alleviate the tightness in my back and hips, but other than that I don’t know what else to do.
It’s frustrating. I’m angry, and I have BEGGED for surgery, which my doctor says won’t fix the issue. They have sent me to a pain management clinic which has given me more drugs.
I work with an excellent trainer who I respect and enjoy, and she has been keeping my horse tuned up for me… But man, I feel incompetent in the tack. I’ll be told 700 times to let go with my right hand and I just can’t… I have to grab mane to make myself do it because my body just… won’t. It’s killing my desire to ride and I’m wondering if I should just sell the horse (who is very talented) and buy an old plug that won’t get upset if I’m pulling on the right rein or sitting crookedly. I just don’t know how I’ll get anywhere when I’m so messed up physically.
Anyways I’m sorry for the pity party, but I just needed to get that out. Thanks for listening.