Badminton 2024 Thread!

Entries for MARS Badminton have been published! 87 pairs with several North Americans competing!

North American entries:
Jessica Phoenix and Wabbit
Tiana Coudray and Cancaras Girl
Cosby Green and Copper Beach
Boyd Martin and Tsetserleg TSF
Boyd Martin and On Cue
Meghan O’Donognue and Palm Crescent
Grace Taylor and Game Changer


Yay, Wabbit!!

Excited to go!!

Full Info;

OK, I wanted to start this early. I just went to the site to sign in and it let me in, but I haven’t paid for this year. Am I signed in for the event? Do they just charge me since they have my info from last year?

Mars is sponsoring Badminton this year?

@alicen Mars have been the main sponsor for a couple of years now.

I’m not interested in any of their products, but good for Mars.

Oh i love Buckeye feed

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I took a black lab last year. Free sample bags of (Mars) dog treats were being handed out near the Members Enclosure. The dog scented them and took off like a train straight to the source. So one ill-mannered dog was really very interested in the Mars products.


so happy to see Wabbit going to Badminton. I was worried we (Canada) would put him on our Olympic team. that would not be the best use of his talent.


Does this mean he isn’t in contention for the Olympic team?

my guess about that is since the Olympics is basically a 4* now, anyone shooting for that is gonna go 4* not 5.


You will find all you need here;

I guess he could be. I just assumed (I know…) that anyone doing Kentucky 5* or Badminton was not aiming for the Olympics.

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It’s unlikely - he is a 5* horse, not an Olympic 4* horse. With a 3-person team going to the Olympics, the selectors are likely going to choose the flashiest movers/cleanest show jumpers of the horses that can get around a 4* XC clear.


Well you might like some of their candy :slight_smile: I believe Snickers bars were named after on of Ms. Mars’ ponies. I also like Milky Ways and M&Ms


Fortunately, at my advanced age, I have more self-control than a dog when it comes to treats: still a size 4-6.


Wow, that seems - unnecessarily snippy.


Sorry, certainly wasn’t meant to be. It was about the dogs and their appetites.