Barisone Aftermath: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity, And Then

If Lauren is sending unkind messages? IF?


Michael and Mary Haskins made it quite clear that they wanted to make Laurens life miserable in their texts that were presented in the trial. Yet you are not attending to that.

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Al anon
 is for the families and associates effected by the addict.
Like AA, it follows similar steps.


Do you remember that Lauren admitted she was plotting to destroy MB and MHG?


Again, it’s everyone else’s fault, responsibility, whatever. You accept no accountability for your family’s actions that cause reactions. What a narcissist. At least she gets it honestly.


I never condone any rude or nasty behavior. Why in the world would anyone that I would condone that in anyone in my family or anyone on here?

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Prayers for Eggbutt! There were many responsible parties but only one shooter.

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Your daughter is a liar and testified to that fact.

Why is she not allowed in your home?


Ignoring it or blaming it on others is a form of condoning it.


I once defended Seeker against this question. Part of my justification was that she wasn’t down and rolling in the mud. Well, she most certainly is now


Then I wonder where LK learned it, since that was one of her favorite tricks here on the BB.


Remember how Lauren pretended she earned her law degree via parental osmosis? Kirby is trying to channel her mother’s doctorate. Platitudes only go so far versus the discipline it took to earn a doctorate and work in the field.


Seeker, do you or anyone in your family accept/realize/acknowledge the part they played in this whole tragic story?


Sdel yes you are right. Thank you for your assistance. And I agree that rolling in this mud diminishes me so much I surely couldn’t do it everyday without feeling totally immersed in filth. I think you must be a nice person and hope that you do not continue to degrade yourself by participating in this barrage of mud slinging. However
 please note that no matter how much anyone bashes me and my family, I continue to cling to the thin ray of hope that everyone finds true love and happiness through this unfortunate situation. I believe love prevails. I’m going to take a shower now.

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No. You completely misunderstood her and misrepresented what she said. She said that no one can say what LK’s family should think and say after she said what they really think. You come back and say she is trying to tell you what to think. You have it backwards. Posters here have been criticizing the police and some have said LK’s family must be upset. She is saying no they are not and don’t say what they should think.

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Posters here have said they should be upset. The police did do a crappy job and the only reason someone on their side would be happy about how poor a job they did was because they were trying to hide something.


Maria, My daughter accepted some responsibility for her rude comments and expressed remorse. If you want to criticize someone for not accepting responsibility, at least know the facts as mentioned in court.

I understood her perfectly well.

We are the bad guys for calling her daughter and others out on their behavior. Kirby doesn’t like it and is trying to shame us to be quiet.

It apparently is not working.


Oh so I shouldn’t be happy that their priority was to save a life
 MY DAUGHTERS life to be specific?

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