Barisone Aftermath: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity, And Then

Your daughter NEVER apologized or expressed one iota of remorse.

You Kirby are lying.

Oh and btw why isn’t your daughter allowed in your house? Even after she was shot?


I found it odd that LK was not allowed in her family’s home.

ETA: One would think that wouldn’t be the case with all this talk of forgiveness and being the better person.


Strange, she did not seem to express any responsibility or remorse to the people she actually made the rude comments to.
I don’t think it counts if you whisper to someone not involved that you might be slightly sorry for something.

Again, after she is off in the not helicopter, there was plenty of time to look for evidence. Are you intentionally missing that part? Clearly your daughter is cut from the same cloth.


MorganSecure …Unfortunately for our family, we have been the center of a relentless vilification by uneducated and ignorant people who are looking to pump themselves or their families up, increase their business, or generally feel good in a perverted manner. I sincerely hope you are not one of those people. If you think we want this… well… I am speechless.

Is Seeker here to distract from Rosie’s involvement prior to the shooting? Or Rob Goodwin trying to strangle MB?

Maybe she is annoyed Lauren wore the ninja costume better than Kirby.



They had her stomach open to let her organs have room to swell. It wasn’t just during surgery. It wasn’t an open her up and sew her up. It was open for some time. Her mother was at the hospital by her side for this. Listen to the doctor’s testimony again.

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Absolutely their priority should have been to save lives. But what about after the injured parties were air-lifted, medvac’ed, or whatever off the farm? Shouldn’t the remaining 40+ police have done some investigation and preservation of evidence? That’s what a lot of us are dismayed by.


It was something you do not forget for a lifetime.

Yes, but they do not leave your organs just hanging out in the room for all to see. They are covered with protective coverings.


I am sure you don’t want negative attention yet here you are making it worse.


Has USEF or SS made a decision regarding Lauren?


My lungs were laid out on the table to cut out cancer I’d gotten from a toxic situation from my helping/rescuing others. So what’s your point?


Seeker, I heard her tip toe around when asked if her Social Media posts could be considered threatening. She did finally acknowledge (and this is not verbatim) that yes her posts could be considered threatening.

I have never heard her make an apology to her part in what happened on the farm that day and before.

You certainly cannot deny that Lauren had a part in all this? I am not condoning her being shot. No one deserves to be shot. But nor am I convinced beyond a reasonable doubt that MB actually did the shooting. I don’t feel after watching the criminal trail that MB was proven to be the shooter. And for me, that was not proven because of the sloppy police work done directly after the shooting. I understand and appreciate that the one police officer was tending to Lauren, someone needed to but there were other police officers on the property that should have followed proper protocol, secured the crime scene and processed all the evidence. Had that been done, in all probability, the truth would have been found.

I can’t put myself in your shoes, it must be terribly difficult.

Edited to fix a typo


oh no… I am not making it worse. I accept responsibility only for things that I do.

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Hey! Maybe Bob Abooey isn’t Lauren but is someone else in the family posting today.


Interesting…from a medical curiosity perspective. Definitely seems like a risky and fragile time for a patient.

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Yeah you are but whatever. So tell me why was your daughter nor allowed in your house? Especially after being shot?


That’s crazy. It’s amazing what the human body can live through nowadays.