Barisone Aftermath: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity, And Then

Please…talk about delusional.

@Seeker1 Kirby, I have a question for you and I don’t want you to respond at all. This question is strictly for your heart and gut. Quite obviously you know Lauren and her issues and troubles over the years much better than anyone on this forum or any other social media platform. Based on all her problems and history of lies her entire life, can you honestly say you don’t have doubts about what happened August 7, 2019? Please don’t answer except to yourself. Without any forensic evidence at all coupled with the known lies and plan of destruction initiated by your daughter and husband, it is realistic and logical to believe something occurred other than the conflicting stories of Rob and Lauren. Simply be brutally honest with yourself and you might comprehend how so many of us do not believe Lauren’s version of events.

Have a nice evening.


Have you not seen the PM’s that Lauren/Bob sent? There is no way you do not know about them unless you are doing that denial thing.
If you would like a reminder I am sure people would gladly share with you.
Short version, Lauren threatened to sue people and take their farm because people dared to post things she did not like.


You dont ever want me to have a nice evening eggbutt. (Butt i do anyway.) That i know for certain. You are having way too much fun getting attention and bashing us. Works for you. I do hope you find peace though because this kind of behavior will not provide sustainable happiness for anyone.

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@Seeker1, sadly I don’t think you have any idea about true peace and happiness.


I have a serious question that has been asked plenty but no one seems to be able to actually answer.

When does questioning contradictory statements given under oath and more contradictory and quite frankly dishonest statements plastered all over the dang internet, including this morning in the bowels of YouTube comments, become bashing someone?


If he was not found insane, then he would have been found guilty. The insanity part is what gets the NGRI. He is not responsible for his actions (guilty act), because he was insane at the time of what is consider an guilty act. If jury did not find that he did a guilty act, then he would have been found not guilty.

Case here in Canada, involved a father killing his 3 children so the mother would not have full custody. He was found not criminally responsible of killing his three children in 2008 (NGRI). He did kill (murder) 3, a guilty act, but was found to be insane. He was sent to psychiatric hospital and is still there.

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Notice that only plays from one side- the side that lies, threatens people on social media, and says, “Finish the ba**ard!”


Hey @Seeker1, I am curious about the assault charge on your record. What happened there? It does not seem to fit in well with your current peace and love theory.


In NJ you don’t get to stop there though. Once you find NGRI as a jury, you are screaming there was No Guilty Act. The verdict, by itself, erases what you are calling the guilty act. In NJ. How Canada does it, I have no idea.


I wish that people who quote song lyrics would take the time to quote them correctly.

Jim Croce sang that bad bad Leroy Brown was meaner that a junkyard dog, not “nastier”.


It is just a form of harassment, asking the same question over and over. Nothing new.


Re: the bolded… sadly, I think what you typed can apply to your posts today - as well as the way LK has carried on - before the shooting as well as after.

I think you must have a different meaning for adios than I do…


So maybe you need to have a chat with your darling daughter about this. You know about being better and all that?


But dragging MHG, her children and ex-husband into it are not???

Just asking for a friend!


I know. CH does has done it several times.


It would likely depend on which province in Canada, like it depends on which state in the US. I’m not going to bother check though, DQH can if he wants to, which he likely should.


Your screenshot is missing part of the post that really shows how she’s being better and all.


She dragged herself in by her own actions.