Barisone Aftermath: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity, And Then

Why thank you for the motherly advice cutter99. I know youcare so deeply about my family and me.

She keeps using that word. I do not think it means what she thinks it means. Lol.


Oh? What actions were those? What actions did MHG do to LK?


Iā€™m getting a woe is me vibe which is quite ironic.


Amazing and not surprising. I will refrain from using the words that immediately come to mind because I am better than that. Neither you, your husband, nor your daughter can provide one post of mine that has not been accurate or expressly my opinion. No, I donā€™t enjoy this anymore than I have enjoyed the attacks on me and my family by your despicable daughter and now I find you as disturbing as your husband and daughter. Even years after I had any contact whatsoever with your daughter, she delights in immediately trashing me and my family to others she meets for no reason. Of course Lauren either has no clue or does not care that these people contact us, shocked at what she relayed to them. WHO DOES THAT?

Anyway, you are not worth any more of my time. Perhaps you can relieve your angst at a soup kitchen or some other public service activity. Rather than spending any energy praying for me, direct your prayers to yourself and your family in how to become better people.

Donā€™t tag me or reply to me again.


MHG was there and had an active role in the downward spiraling scenario. One could say the kids did because of the one comment from the kid but personally, kids should be off limits. The ex putting pressure on MHG for living conditions and what he hears from the kid(s) may have added to the pressure. The whole thing is just awful. I need to go back to muddling about my own postsā€¦

I canā€™t imagine how MHG felt watching Mb break down and then knowing he was the shooter. Same with RC knowing he used her handgun. Just awful. I canā€™t imagine LKā€™s parents hearing she was shot.

A lot of the posts have gone too far. Badmouthing people in ICU and a man who just had a mental breakdown. There were a bunch while LK was in a coma. I remember people asking where LKā€™s mom was in a hearing and I did say she must be at the hospital.

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Wrong! Your daughter was inescapable!! She backed people into corners. Any actions of MHG were REACTIONS. Stop defending what your daughter did. Itā€™s gross.


Im sorry if you were miserable.

How? How did MHG have a role? What did MHG do?


Whatā€™s this?


Must be another Imaginary conversation sheā€™s having with herself


Another family trait, it seems.


Please site a New Jersey Court document that states that a guilty act has not been done when a NDRI verdict is given. I canā€™t find any. The guilty act is put aside because of the insanity finding. The defendant is not responsible for his behavior, but is not free to rejoin society without assessment and/or treatment. Thus, NGRI is a non felony. Not guilty is neither a non felony or felony.
The jury found that he did something against the law, otherwise, he would have been found not guilty.


How many more times do you want them to explain it to you? There is no guilty act, by definition. He was found to have committed the shooting but because of the insanity verdict, the shooting is not a ā€œguilty act.ā€ There is no guilt, therefore no guilty act. Thatā€™s why they call it NOT GUILTY by reason of insanity.




Taylor has issued incorrect jury instructions before.


You can read the whole NJ Supreme Court decision that is still controlling case law in NJ.

ā€œCommittment following acquittal by reason of insanity is not intended to be punitive, for, although such a verdict implies a finding that defendant has committed the actus reus, it also constitutes a finding that he did so without a criminal state of mind. There is, in effect, no crime to punish.ā€


Hmmā€¦are perhaps trying to match up usernames to SS/USEF reports?


Seeker is going to have fun trying to find my name in the midst of all those complaints and reports about Laurenā€™s words and deeds. Her work is cut out for her.


Thatā€™s really creepy.