Barisone Aftermath: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity, And Then

Have you read the New Jersey Court’s Model Criminal Jury Charges for Insanity? This is a direct quote from the document:

‘If you find that the State has proved all the elements of the crime and the defendant’s
participation therein beyond a reasonable doubt, and if you also find that the defendant has
established the defense of insanity by a preponderance of the credible evidence, your verdict
must be “not guilty by reason of insanity” and you shall so report and declare your verdict.
A verdict of not guilty by reason of insanity does not necessarily mean that the defendant
will be freed, or that the individual will be indefinitely committed to a mental institution. Under
our law, if you find the defendant not guilty by reason of insanity, it will then be for the court to
conduct a further hearing and among other matters determine whether or not the defendant’s
insanity continues to the present and whether defendant poses a danger to the community or to
himself/herself. The resolution of those issues will ultimately determine what appropriate
restrictions need to be placed on the defendant. Thus, procedures exist to adequately provide for
the defendant and to protect the public in the event defendant is found not guilty by reason of

No where in the document does it say the defendant didn’t do the guilty act for NGRI verdict? No where does the document say if you find the prosecution didn’t prove all the elements of the crime and the defendant’s participation beyond a reasonable doubt and if you find the that the defendant has established the defense of insanity, your verdict must be NGRI. The finding of insanity resolves the individual of responsibility for the guilty act, but the defendant still did do the guilty act. He gets treatment instead of incarceration. He is not a felon.


Deja vu!


Groundhog Day in May.

And probably in June, July, August… :roll_eyes:


You skipped a part of the jury instructions that matter.

“ All persons are assumed capable of committing crimes. Insane persons, however, are not capable of committing crimes.”


Yes, I have read and agree, NGRI is not be punitive. The finding of the NJ Supreme court you quote also said the ‘verdict implies a finding that defendant has committed the actus reus’. The insanity finding shows ‘he did so without a criminal state of mind’. He still did the act, but because of the insanity he is not responsible thus ‘no crime to punish’. The actus reus did not just magically not happen, it did, and the jury agreed that it did happen.


Again, you’re skipping language that matters. “ There is, in effect, no crime to punish.”

No Crime. Hence, Acquittal.


No, I did not miss that. I agree that insane person is not capable of committing crimes, i.e. to be punished. However, he did shoot a person and the jury found that the prosecutor proved actus reus, he did do it, but because his defense proved insanity, he is not responsible because he is not capable of committing crimes. Interesting that he was found not guilty of the second attempted murder and gun related charges.

I mean, there was no evidence, other than two people that couldn’t tell the same story two days in a row that a third shot happened. No bullet, no shell casing, ED only heard two shots. Easy to get to Not Guilty if you don’t believe the third shot even happened. They also didn’t bite on the lesser charge, because, again, no evidence any kind of assault towards RG happened.

Re: NGRI, that was the entire point of this discussion. You can’t say MB committed a crime, or guilty act, because the jury found he didn’t. He was acquitted. No crimes occurred.


If i knew every detail of you and you life i really wouldnt care. I only offered to help anyone who is angry or upset.

They also didn’t bite on the lesser charge for LK. To me that means there was a significant disagreement towards plain ole NG for even LK and that NGRI was the settlement to get out of there in time for Easter.


That is a good point.


I said this before! So I agree! The jury came to a settlement- an agreement.


@Seeker1, no one here is angry or upset.

But, no one here is going to tolerate what we have seen and experienced without speaking out. Many of us got tired of being bullied and threatened by your daughter.

If your daughter is not seen here the way you see her, that is no one’s fault but Lauren’s. We are reasonable adults who have limits. Her bad behavior has been called out repeatedly.

Apparently, she has never encountered this before. It must suck to be 42 years old, and find out you are not the center of the universe.


I cant help if i dont know who it is.

I dont think anyone should condone bad behavior including someone who tries to kill someone like you all are.

You don’t seem to be able to identify bad behavior.


I see it perfectly clearly right now.

Not to be rude, but how does the family feel about her mocking a man for being confined to a wheelchair? How does the family condone her continuing out-of-control postings on social media? Please, check her into a treatment hospital and get her some help.


Seriously? As soon as your daughter learns to show empathy for others, I will try to find some empathy for your family.


How on earth do you think you could “help” anyone here and why would anyone here want your help?

If you really want to help spread love and light in the world, get your daughter into a residential treatment program - for drugs, mental health issues, whatever. Get her the professional help she so badly needs. Get her off the internet where she still continues to attack people while posting blatant lies and what sounds like genuine delusional thoughts.

I have loved ones with addiction issues and it’s not an easy road. But at some point you need to stop enabling the user. Stop defending them. Stop supporting them. Stop fighting their battles and cleaning up their messes. Stop making excuses for them, and for yourself.