Barisone Aftermath: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity, And Then

What makes you think anyone in our family condones bad behavior. However we do Not shoot someone for this.

My daughter is over 40. She makes her own choices. I try to manage myself as best i can. I cant control others.

The extensive family arrest record that is available for anyone to see on the New Jersey Court system website, for starters.


Your posts explain everything I need to know on how your daughter ended up being the unfortunate person that she is.

ETA: Your total lack of knowledge about mental health challenges is astonishing. Also, I find your judging of an individuals’ person**(al)** relationships interesting, to say the least, considering the actions of your daughter.



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I say this with sincerity, but are you really in the position to help anyone here? And in what way would you help? Through kind words and wisdom? Your post don’t seem to convey that is what you wish to dispense. Any other way of helping seems like an identity would need to be known.


Why do they all have that same narrative?

@Seeker1 it was nobody’s business who MB had a relationship with in addition to the fact that that it wasn’t as you portray it anyway.

You all sing this same song parroting LK and it was never her concern either!

Ooh this civil case will be brutal for y’all.


You forget that many of us don’t think MB tried to kill anyone.


Well my feeling is that if you condone michaels actions
you must be either deeply hurt, deeply angry or deeply convinced that your actions will benefit you in some way.

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Oh it is very much my business.

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How so, pray tell??

How is your adult daughter’s trainer’s personal life very much your business??


What if you don’t condone shooting people, but you also cannot wrap your head around someone who plots and plans to ruin a man, to “finish the bastard”, who sneaks around in ninja gear at night, who plants hidden recorders on Not Their Property, and can’t tell the same story two days in a row under oath, someone who was given an exit plan and chose to stay and reign down more fire on someone and, in fact, drove someone else completely over the edge of sanity?

What if you aren’t hurt, angry, any of those things, just absolutely mystified by the destruction that someone testified to, under oath, with actual pride in her behavior?


How is who MB is boinking YOUR business?


Because it caused a rukus that almost resulted in my daughter dying.

Thats not even close to what happened no matter what you say.

WRONG. Your daughter caused the ruckus. And your daughter alone.

MB was a free person who had the right to be with whom he chose.


I didn’t say it. Your daughter said all of it except the ninja part under oath in court.


You did not address what I asked. I asked if you truly believe you are in the position to help anyone here, if so, how? And do you believe your way of helping has been successful in the past? With your daughter, for example.

It seems unusual for you to offer help to others here being in circumstances you and your family are in. You seem to be deeply hurt, deeply angry and deeply convinced your actions will benefit you, yourself.


Not at the expense of my daughters life.

I try to help anyone i can. Some people dont want help. I have to accept that.