Barisone Aftermath: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity, And Then

I look for reasons and opportunities to help. It makes me happy to help others be the best they can be. It is not always possible because many people just dont want help. Their path is different.

Interestingā€¦people in glass houses.


She was afraid.

I almost feel bad but I just canā€™t stop watching.




To leave? That doesnā€™t make a lick of sense. If youā€™re afraid, you leave. You donā€™t stay and see how many government agencies you can file complaints (false or not) with, ramping up the pressure. You pack up your stuff, your horses, and go. Especially when you have a landing spot negotiated for you.


Itā€™s the Top Gun sequel for me


Why does anyone who find this forum to be so reprehensible continue to post? I feel as if I also need some Pino Gri just to be able to follow along - but I have knee surgery tomorrow so that is not an optionā€¦ :roll_eyes:

So funny? This is getting just sadderā€¦ I thought that when I went back to the barn for a while, this thread would have settled back to a regular discussion about legal terms etc.

You ask for names. You insult. You condemn - and worst of all, you do not seem inclined to help Lauren with her many issues (as she continues to rant on SM and has apparently learned nothing) but instead offer ā€œhelpā€ to a group of complete strangersā€¦ mmmkay.

BTW - has anyone seen that subpoena that LK threatened was coming down the pipe that would expose all of us? I want to be dressed appropriately and have all the chores done when the black helicopters land on the lawn to arrest meā€¦


It is beginning to appear Kirby Kanarek has been fed a very crafted story for some reason. She seems extremely fragile and confused about circumstances. Maybe it was felt she couldnā€™t handle the truth and now the story has been so indoctrinated that everyone in the world is wrong and lying in her opinion. Wow.


I have not demanded anything from you, there is no need for the drama.

I have asked you simple questions pertaining to the ā€œhelpā€ you keep stating you wish to give. Outside of being unusual and ironic, it does not appear you are lucid enough to answer basic questions. Itā€™s quite sad, this entire situation seems to have taken a great toll on you. I canā€™t help but wonder if LK ruined your life when she tried ruining MBā€™s life as well.


I must admit I will probably see both. And Iā€™ve barely been inside a movie theater in the last few years. Even before the pandemic.


I hope everything goes well for you tomorrow.


Im not trying to sway anyone. Generally speakingā€¦ Being cruel is just not as much fun when the victims of cruelty and bashing confront the perpetrators of such actions directly. I cant take away all the fun but i can give the truth. Eggbutt i dont think you are really evil. I think you maybe unhappy and enjoy other peoples misery a little too much. I also think you have been very hurt and disappointed in certain things and struggle to find your own happiness. I will pray for your happiness every single day. I mean this sincerely.

She was terrified



Good luck you warmblood1. You will be better in no time and have far less pain then ever before.

My life is only as happy as i make it as is yours.

This is getting strange.





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