Barisone Aftermath: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity, And Then



No one told her to leave except mhg who was not the business owner or the wife of the business owner.

Is that because you helped me?

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I try to say positive and truthful things. Warmblood1. I certainly hope it helps you.

What about MB’s lawyer, who testified at the trial that he was busy working out an arrangement for her to leave with LK’s dad? And LK’s lawyer, who testified to the same thing?


I do not presume that i am important enough in you life that i can have direct impact on any aspect of it. However
i hope you know that i wish you no harm and pray for a positive outcome for you
 may you recover quickly and have minimal pain.

The other day, I walked outside with my dog. Dog stood between me and a rattlesnake. I was shaking scared. You know what I did? Grabbed the dog’s collar and LEFT. I didn’t get any closer, didn’t try to piss off the rattlesnake. I LEFT.

If you’re terrified, you leave. You don’t stay and fan the flames.


This whole exchange is bizarre. If this is really LK’s mom getting into directc insults and then passive aggressive ones, then I suddenly have a new appreciation for the family dynamics here. There’s some kind of spiral underway.

Or it could be a house guest.


Not a good comparison at all.

Let’s not forget that she was served with an eviction notice that she testified under oath made her “angry.”

Edit to add: pretend for a minute that two different attorneys did not testify under oath that she was told to leave, if she’s terrified, why would she have to wait to be told to leave?


How so?


What is it you are missing about the majority of us here? WE HAVE BEEN CONFRONTING THE PERPETRATOR OF CRUELTY FOR OVER TWO YEARS! You simply are unable or unwilling to understand that for many of us that perpetrator is your daughter, who is still being cruel and ugly to total strangers!

As far as my happiness
I am extatic in life! My child is very successful and is achieving her goals with her remarkable husband; my granddaughter is excelling at everything she touches and both women are held in very high regard in the dressage community in NC and surrounding areas. My husband and I lead very full, busy lives and are enjoying life to the fullest. In fact I am currently, at this second, watching my first born mare prepare to foal her ninth foal! How wonderful is that? Please don’t fret about my life and happiness
I’m better than good. As far as your daughter, she is meaningless to me personally anymore now that people see what she really is. Her ability to hurt others is curtailed except for her behavior to total strangers.

I can imagine your life has not turned out as you imagined, at least for one of your daughters. It must be tough always waiting for that other shoe to drop. I can only imagine. I suggest focusing on your own mental health and try to move on. I’m sure the next months are going to be incredibly stressful with the civil trials. Hate that for you but the trials must be held for accountability.


Try to understand that i think each of you is worthy of love and respect
however i really dont like the behavior at times. Not really hard to comprehend.

I really do feel a great deal of pity for you. You appear quite miserable. I honestly believe LK ruined more lives than one. That’s tragic. Although, I think you may be projecting your own feelings onto me; I can understand why you’d be so unhappy about this situation but truly, I have no reason to be. I can tell you with certainty that I will not lose sleep over any aspect of this trial, nor do I harbor any anger or ill will or any unhappiness, nor am I personally effected by this case. Fortunately, LK did not threaten me personally like she did other posters. But if it makes you feel better to believe that you aren’t the only miserable person in the room, by all means, you have that right.


Is this kind of passive aggressive Christian gaslighting meant to have some kind of impact on the discussion? As far as I can tell, no one on this forum is in pain. We’ve just had going on 3 years exposure to a very odd crime case complete with a bombshell trial where all our guesses, surmises, etc were proven pretty much true on the witness stand. After almost 3 years of having LK abuse and lie and switch stories on this forum, until she was banned during the trial, we all feel pretty secure that she has shown us who she really is.


I am so happy that you and your family are experiencing success. You are so fortunate that troubles have not found you. I hope they never do. I may be wrong about you after all eggbutt. Send me some pics of those grands

Like anyone is going to get into private communication with you.



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I thought it came up in a different thread that the family is Jewish? Which makes no difference to me at all, other than regarding the idea of “passive aggressive Christian gaslighting” mentioned above.

I’m almost getting a little Stepford Wives vibe now.


Thank you for your empathy warmblood. I am not miserable in the least. I alone am responsible for my happiness. I own it and no one can take it. Also no one can give it to me. I make it and keep it safe. Hope you can do the same.