Barisone Aftermath: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity, And Then

Conspiracy and the legaleses of rules is something LK is hyper aware and fixated on…and as we are all aware of, the creation of multiple accounts in order to argue with people on SM is a known criticism as well….


They are claiming that MB did it way back when, so it was well pre-covid times. Clearly MB was ahead of the curve on that one.


Would other countries take her with her record and drug use? FEI frowns on drug use.

Heck, I’ll start a GoFundMe to raise $$ to get her out of the US! Oops, I wonder if that GFM would be reported to the mods and removed? Of course, removing the link from this forum doesn’t eliminate the fund…guess we must review all articles published in the future to see if a link is published within the article! I am positive 48 Hours is planning on mentioning the fund as well!


Thanks for posting that article. How much would it stink to go all the way to Rio and have to retire in the middle of your test due to a bug bite? How awful.

Almost as awful as someone trying to dredge that story up six years later with false allegations against a completely unrelated party. :roll_eyes:


Would accusing MB of these things be slander, libel, what? Could there be more lawsuits on the way that focus on Kurbside and her lies? (Makes note to call Deininger.)


Especially after she stated her identity several times. :slight_smile:


I believe it’s called slanderous desperation. These folks just don’t know when they are whipped. But, exactly what are they fighting for? The public has a short memory…if the Kanareks are trying to repair their image damage, the best way would be to STFU, mind their business and lay low for a year or two. Of course that can’t happen with attention seeking, vindictive, vile people.


Maybe he saw something awful and tried to bleach his eyeballs and missed?! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I’ve just caught up on the 600+ posts from the last 12ish hours. Is there a full moon coming up? Bizarre postings from the K clan. 48 Hours is going to have to make this an entire season’s worth of shows.


Huh? I don’t know which posters they’re referring to. I didn’t ask which posters they’re referring to.

I asked why any posters would:

  1. have multiple posters sharing one screen name, or
  2. have one poster posting under multiple screen names,


  1. whether either of those arrangements is against forum rules.

Do you even read my posts before responding? It appears not.

Totally unrelated to the last day’s posting, but back to the topic of the thread. I’m worried about MB still sitting in jail. His next hearing is 5 days out. We’re halfway through that 60 day timeline for an evaluation that NJ case law seems to require, and he’s still sitting in jail.

I hope Mr B and Mr D are working on something for him.


It’s incredible that nothing has changed since the verdict four weeks ago today.


I know! As an outsider looking in from the other side of the country, it’s frustrating. I cannot even imagine how hard this has to be on him and his family, just when he should have had some relief and a path forward.


The “super flower blood moon” eclipse is due on the 15th. The lunacy (see what I did there) that has been going on with this thread should be attributed to this event.

Or, other mental disorders of the rich and infamous…


Don’t you see what she’s doing MHM?

She showing you what it’s like to have the shoe on the other foot.

She’s coming up with ludicrous, crap allegations, and appending the CYA proviso, “it’s just a rumor I heard”.

She’s saying lots and lots of what you(g) have written here is exactly on par with a posting of a rumor of MB breaking Parcival’s jaw, or whatever.

Don’t you see that even with the CYA, “I’m just innocently repeating what I heard”, it’s damaging and exhausting to attempt to refute?

It’s quite amusing so many people took her ridiculous “rumors” seriously and were earnestly explaining about Dutch horse, Dutch rider, bug bite.

Sorry, @Seeker1, if you wanted to draw them out more in your demonstration. I’m not sure how long it would have taken them to figure out your point.

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Nope, and out of my very extended family on two continents, we’d likely add up to over 200 all together, nope.


If I understand this correctly, I think the difference is that finding MB shot LK does not equal guilty. Being guilty means you commited a crime. In order to be found guilty of a crime, you must both commit the act and have the state of mind to commit the act.

While the jury may believe that MB did shoot LK, they found that he did not have a “guilty mind” or mens rea because the defense sufficiently established the insanity.plea.

Therefore, they did not find him guilty of committing a crime because of insanity.

edited for clarity



I posted this in the other thread about the Barisone trial, but I thought it worth repeating here; emphasis added and edited for clarity:

"This is what I was thinking during Insomnia Jeopardy last night.

Back away from our collective involvement in this drama and look at it from 20,000 feet. A woman was shot during an armed confrontation, was hospitalized and had surgery. She normally would be viewed as a victim and deserving of sympathy.

But 2 1/2 years later, an insane social media campaign, lots of sock puppets and a highly publicized criminal trial; the alleged shooter is viewed as the victim, as a sympathetic character, someone deserving of financial support, greeting cards and well wishes from people who only know him through the criminal trial.

And the shootee is now viewed not so much as a victim, but as a dangerously unhinged psychopath who took pleasure in driving a vulnerable person to their breaking point and is at least partially responsible for the events leading to the shooting.

I think team Kanarek might want to rethink their social media strategy. And LK might want to rethink her life choices.

However, if Lauren were able to connect her actions to consequences in any sort of consistent way, we wouldn’t be having this conversation and none of this would have happened.


I have not reported the Barisone GFM link to the mods, despite the fact that I do think it is against the forum rules. Actually, my belief that it is against the forum rules is based on another poster PMing me and informing me that it is against the rules.

However, since you’re now threatening to set up another GFM for the purpose of attacking and harassing someone, I’ll flag your post here and let the mods deal with the issue of GFM links.

Were you “just kidding” about the anti-LK GFM account? Too bad.

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I would think LK would welcome the funds so she could to follow her trainer to Germany like she planned on two years ago…